Willkommen in der Clusterchemie

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg und PD Dr. Christoph Riehn

Prof. Dr. Dr. Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg

Raum 52-535

Tel.: +49 631 205 4697

Fax.: +49 631 205 2750



Frau Birgit Harrison-Weber

Raum 52-531

Tel.: +49 631 205 2536

Fax.: +49 631 205 2750



Wir vergeben ständig Themen für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten; eine Auswahl ist hier gegeben, unterliegt jedoch laufenden Änderungen. Bei Interesse empfehlen wir daher dringend, einfach bei den Mitarbeitern anzufragen.


12.09.2023: Daniela Fries successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

22.03.2023: Sophie Steiger (formerly AG Gerhards) successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

18.02.-24.02.2023: GRS/GRC Gaseous Ions

Daniela and our Master student Lea presented our current status of research on and cationic transition metal clusters at the GRS/GRC in Ventura (CA, USA). They contributed with posters to the seminar and the conference and enjoyed the time in California.

20.-24.02.2023: Alexander von Humboldt Award winner Atsushi Nakajima from Keio University in Japan is a guest this week at the RPTU Physical Chemistry Department on the Kaiserslautern campus.

He will give a talk in a joint PTC2 and OPTIMAS seminar on

Superatom Chemistry of M@Si16: Surface Immobilization and Electric Conductivity

on 23.02.2023 at 17:15 in lecture hall 52-206.

26.02.-03.03.2023: Together with Ruth Signorell (ETH Zurich), Gereon is organizing this year's Symposium on Size Selected Clusters S3C in Davos/Switzerland.

16.12.2022: Patrick Strebert (formerly AG Gerhards) successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

10.11.2022: Michael Lembach successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

12.10.-14.10.2022: 3met Students' Meeting and 3met Workshop

This year's 3met conference took place in Heidelberg. From our group Maximilian L., Daniela and Gereon participated and presented their latest results.

07.09.-09.09.2022: Bunsentagung, Understanding Dispersion Interactions in Molecular Chemistry

The Physical Chemistry groups from Kaiserslautern attended the 121st Bunsen-Tagung of the "Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft" for Physical Chemistry in Gießen. From our group Gereon and Daniela presented our latest results on N2 activation by transition metal clusters.

25.08.-31.08.2022: International School of Solid State Physics: Dynamics of Electrons in Atomic and Molecular Nanoclusters

In August, Katharina Rediger and Daniela V. Fries attended the International School of Solid State Physics (81st Workshop) at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice (Sicily, Italy). Katharina contributed with a poster which was awarded with the poster prize. Congratulions! Daniela had the opportunity to present her research results in a HOT TOPIC talk.

August, 2022: Guests in our group

Ahmed Mohamed, Santino Stropoli and Thien Khuu from the Johnson Group (Yale University) also stopped in Kaiserslautern during their tour of Germany in August.

06.08.-12.08.2022: GRS/GRC Molecular and Ionic Clusters

Maximilian L., Christopher, Daniela and Gereon presented our current status of research on anionic and cationic transition metal clusters at the GRS/GRC in Barga (Italy). They contributed with three posters to this conference and enjoyed the time in Italy.

28.07.2022: Pol Boden (formerly AG Gerhards) successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

14.03-18.03.2022: Virtual DPG Spring Meeting SAMOP

The Physical Chemistry groups from Kaiserslautern attended the virtual DPG Spring Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP). From our group Daniela gave a talk on her latest results of N2 adsorption and activation on Tantalum clusters.

10.02.2022: Pit Boden (formerly AG Gerhards) successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

28.01.2022: Björn Kwasigroch successfully defended his PhD thesis. He will start his new job in industry on Feb 1st. Congratulations!

17.12.2021: Annika Straßner successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

02.12.2021: N2 adsorbates on iron cluster cations reveal strong size dependencies and nitrogen phobia

Our second twin pack of papers has been accepted at J. Chem. Phys.. Studies of the N2 adsorption onto iron cluster cations reveal some remarkable size dependencies. There is evidence for four different configurations of N2 adsorption shells on high-spin cluster cores. The adsorption kinetics onto the Fe18+ cluster reveal evidence for pronounced isomerization and relaxation. The IR spectra of the N2 adsorbates reveal various N2 binding motifs and coupling.

Kinetics:  https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0064965

IR spectroscopy/DFT:  https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0064966

23.11.2021: N2 adsorbates on bimetallic RhFe clusters reveal metal site dependent properties

Our latest twin pack of papers deals with N2 adsorption kinetics onto bimetallic RhFe clusters and the vibrational spectra of the resulting adsorbates. The initial N2 molecules adsorb favorably to Rh sites. Distinct regions of the N2 stretching vibration allow for an element specific assignment of the adsorption site in the cases of [RhiFei]+, i = 3 and 4.

Kinetics:  https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0075286

IR spectroscopy/DFT:  https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0075289

21.11.2021: Magnstism of Mn12-acetate complexes in the gas phase

We finally published our study on magnetic properties of isolated Mn12-acetate complexes, which are an archetypal example of single molecule magnets (SMM). Gas phase X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) and broken symmetry DFT calculations complement bulk data and provide deeper insight into magentic fingerprints of the complexes. This study is a 3Met collaboration between physical, theoretical and inorganic chemists at TUK and KIT. The XMCD experiments were performed at the NanoclusterTrap endstation operated by the group of Tobias Lau at BESSY/HZB.


11.10.2021: Methods for investigating transition metal complexes in isolation

This current review highlights methods to invstigate isolated multicenter transition metal complexes and clusters. These methods are utilized within 3met CRC to study cooperative effects in such systems and contribute to the understanding of coordination chemistry. Continuous development paves the way for their application beyond the scope of the CRC and in other areas of chemistry.


10.10.2021: Binding motifs of hydrogen oxalate onto dinuclear coinage metal complexes

Dinuclear coinage metal phosohine complexes reveal two different hydrogen oxalate binding motifs depending on the metal composition.


13.09.2021: Matthias Klein successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

14.07.2021: N2 adsorption/desorption kinetics on rhodium clusters

Rhi+ clusters exhibit strongly size dependent N2 adsorption rates. DFT calculations of the Rh5+ cluster and its N2 adsorbate complexes reveal a spin quench in the course of the adsorption which is empasized by our spin valley curves.


07.05.2021: Double N2 cleavage on a Ta4+ cluster

      04.06.2021 Update: Our paper has been selected as a 2021 HOT PCCP article!

Our paper on N2 activation and cleavage on a Ta4+ cluster has been published in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.. The twofold cryo N2 cleavage by the Ta4+ cluster occurs via a multistep across edge-above surface (AEAS) mechanism across submerged barriers.


01.05.2021: Sreekanta Debnath leaves our group to continue his joint 3Met-Postdoc in the Kappes group at KIT in Karlsruhe. We wish him all the best and thank for his contributions in the last months.

15.01.2021: Sebastian Kruppa successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

15.10.2020: Hello and Goodbye

After completing his Master studies, Marcel Schmitt joins us as PhD student.
Yannick Mees leaves our group to start his new job in industry. We wish him all the best for his future and thank him for his contributions for the group.

01.10.2020: Dr. Sreekanta Debnath completed his PhD studies in the Asmis group (U Leipzig) and joins our group as PostDoc.

25.-31.01.2020: Molecular and Ionic Clusters in Ventura

Annika, Björn and Gereon presented our current status of research on polynuclear complexes and transition metal clusters at the GRS/GRC in Ventura/CA.

01.01.2020: Daniela Fries, Max Huber and Chris Wiehn completed their Master studies and we welcome them as new PhD students in our group.

14.11.2019:Max Luczak was honored for reaching the 3rd place in the German University Championship as part of the TUK fencing team. Congratulations!

24.10.2019: Steinhofer-Gespräch 2019

Am Donnerstag, 24.10.2019, findet das erste Steinhofer-Gespräch zum Thema Klimawandel und Geoengineering im Audimax der TUK (42-115) statt.

Den Auftakt bildet um 15:30 Uhr eine Posterpräsentation zum Themenkomplex. Ab 16:30 folgt die Podiumsdiskussion mit Impulsvorträgen. Gäste sind Prof. Frank Keutsch (Harvard) und Prof. Gerd Ganteför (Konstanz). Moderieren wird Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg (TUK). Einladung und Einleger

16.10.2019: Joanna Denton visits us after finishing her PhD in the group of Mark Johnson (Yale).

01.10.2019: Roumany Israil successfully finished his Master's thesis and joins us as PhD student.

18.-20.09.2019: FTMS Meeting at TU Berlin

At this year's FTMS meeting for high resolution mass spectrometry, Gereon and Matthias presented our latest results on N2 activation by transition metal clusters.

July 2019: Guests in our group

This month we welcome two guests from USA. Peter Armentrout (Utah) discusses with us recent results concerning iron clusters. Brandon Rittgers from the Duncan group (University of Georgia) supported our investigations on cold transition metal clusters.

02.07.2019: Chemcup-Sieger 2019

Die Mannschaft der Physikalische Chemie ging aus dem diesjährigen Fußballturnier des Fachbereichs als Sieger hervor.

11.-12.10.2018: 4th International Conference on Bimetallic Complexes

This year's International 3Met.de Conference took place in Karlsruhe. From our group Annika, Björn, Marcel, Mike, and Roumany participated and presented their latest results.

28.06.2018: Preis des Freundeskreises an Johannes Lang

17.-20.06.2018: GPMC Ulm

Annika, Matthias and Gereon participated in the International Bunsen Discussion meeting "Gas Phase Model Systems in Catalysis" in Ulm. They presented their latest results on small molecules adsorption on transition metal clusters and enjoyed an intense and fruitful meeting.

10.-12.05.2018: Bunsentagung

The Physical Chemistry groups from Kaiserslautern attended the 117th General Assembly of the "Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft" for Physical Chemistry in Hannover. From our group Annika, Björn, Mike, and Matthias contributed with posters to this conference and enjoyed the time in Hannover.

01.05.2018: Dr. Sebastian Dillinger leaves our group to start his job at Kömmerling Chemische Fabrik, Pirmasens.

09.03.2018: Steinhofer-Preis

In the frame of this year's graduation ceremony, Matthias Klein was awarded with the Steinhofer Prize 2017 for outstanding academic achievements during his diploma studies. Congratulations!

15.02.2018: Dr. Johannes Lang leaves our group to start his job at the University of Stuttgart.

Die Gruppe