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  14. Richling E, Häring D, Herderich M, Schreier P. (2000) The occurrence of heterocyclic aromatic amines in various food samples analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). „Carcinogenic and anticarcinogenic factors in food: Novel concepts?” DFG Symposium, Eisenbrand G (Hsg.) Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, S. 442ff.
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  17. Richling E, Höhn C, Weckerle B, Heckel F, Schreier P. (2002) Authentication analysis of caffeine-containing foods via elemental analysis combustion/pyrolysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA-C/P-IRMS). Eur. Food Res. Technol.216, 544-548. (
  18. Weckerle B, Richling E, Heinrich S, Schreier P. (2002) Origin assessment of green coffee (Coffea arabica) by multi-element stable isotope analysis of caffeine. Anal. Bioanal. Chem.374, 886-890. (
  19. Aguilar-Cisneros B, Lopez M G, Richling E, Heckel F, Schreier P. (2002) Tequila authenticity assessment by headspace SPME-HRGC-IRMS analysis auf 13C/12C and 18O/16O ratios of ethanol. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 7520-7523. (
  20. Weckerle B, Richling E, Schreier P. (2002) Authenticity assessment of Guarana products (Paullinia cupana) by caffeine isotope analysis. Dt. Lebensm.-Rundsch.98, 122-124. ( action=getRecordDetail&idt=13591999)
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  23. Preston C, Richling E, Elss S, Appel M, Heckel F, Hartlieb A, Schreier P. (2003) On-line gas chromatography combustion/pyrolysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry (HRGC-C/P-IRMS) of pineapple (Ananas comosus Merr L.) volatiles. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51, 8027-8031. (
  24. Kavvadias D, Sand P, Riederer P, Richling E, Schreier P. (2004) Flavonoids and the central nervous system: The anxiolytic flavone hispidulin. Kapitel 6: Flavonoids and the Central Nervous System. In DFG-Symposium Functional Food: Safety Aspects, Eisenbrand G, ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2004.
  25. Fink K, Richling E, Heckel F, Schreier P. (2004) Determination of 2H/1H and 13C/12C isotope ratios of (E)-methyl cinnamate from different sources using isotope ratio mass spectrometry. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52, 3065-3068. (
  26. Labib S, Erb A, Kraus M, Wickert T, Richling E. (2004) The pig caecum model – a suitable tool to study the intestinal metabolism of flavonoids. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 48, 326-332. (
  27. Elss S, Grünewald L, Richling E, Schreier P. (2004) Occurrence of 2-ethylhexanoic acid in foods packed in glass jars. Food Addit. Contam. 21, 811-814. (
  28. Elss S, Preston C, Hertzig C, Heckel F, Richling E, Schreier P. (2005) Aroma profiles of pineapple fruit (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) and pineapple products. Food Sci. Technol.38, 263-274. (
  29. Preston C, Richling E, Kahle K, Kraus M, Hümmer W, Appel M, Heckel F, Schreier P. (2005) Ester synthesis: Authenticity assessment by stable isotope analysis. In: Hofmann T, Rothe M, Schieberle P (Eds.), State-of-the-Art in Flavour Chemistry and Biology, pp. 358-362, DFA, Garching.
  30. Kahle K, Preston C, Richling E, Heckel F, Schreier P. (2005) On-line gas chromatography combustion/pyrolysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry (HRGC-C/P-IRMS) of major volatiles from pear fruit (Pyrus communis) and pear products. Food Chem. 91, 449-455. (
  31. Lachenmeier D W, Richling E, López M G, Frank W, Schreier P. (2005) Multivariate analysis of FTIR and ion chromatographic data for the quality control of tequila. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59, 2151-2157. (
  32. Tamura H, Appel M, Richling E, Schreier P. (2005) Authenticity assessment of g- and d-decalactone from Prunus fruits by on-line gas chromatography combustion /pyrolysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry (HRGC-C/P-IRMS). J. Agric. Food Chem. 53, 5397-5401. (
  33. Richling E, Preston C, Kavvadias D, Kahle K, Heppel C, Hummel S, Koenig T, Schreier P. (2005) Determination of the 2H/1H and 15N/14N ratio of alkylpyrazines from coffee beans (Coffea arabica L. and Coffea robusta L.) by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. J. Agric. Food Chem. 53, 7925-7930. (
  34. Kahle K, Kraus M, Richling E. (2005) Polyphenol profiles of apple juices. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 49, 797-806. (
  35. Kahle K, Kraus M, Scheppach W, Richling E. (2005) Colonic availability of apple polyphenols – a study in ileostomy subjects. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 49, 1143-1150. (
  36. Labib S, Hummel S, Richling E, Humpf H-U, Schreier P. (2006) Use of the pig caecum model to mimic the human intestinal metabolism of hispidulin and related compounds. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 50, 78-86. (
  37. Kahle K, Kraus M, Scheppach W, Ackermann M, Ridder F, Richling E. (2006) Studies on apple and blueberry fruit constituents: Do the polyphenols reach the colon? Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 50, 418-423. (
  38. Richling E, Appel M, Heckel F, Kahle K, Kraus M, Preston C, Hümmer W, Schreier P. Flavor authenticity studies by isotope ratio mass spectrometry – perspectives and limits. In: Authentication of Food and Wine, (Ebeler S E, Takeoka G R, Winterhalter P, eds), ACS Symposium Series 2007, S. 75ff. (
  39. Kraus M, Biskup E, Richling E, Schreier P. (2006) Synthesis of [4-14C] pelargonidin chloride and [4-14C] delphinidin chloride. J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm. 49, 1151-1162. (
  40. Stingel D, Feldmeier P, Richling E, Kempf M, Elss S, Labib S, Schreier P. (2006) Urinary 2-ethyl-3-oxohexanoic acid as major metabolite of orally administered 2‑ethylhexanoic acid in human. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 51, 301-306. (
  41. Plochmann K, Korte G, Koutsilieri E, Richling E, Riederer P, Rethwilm A, Schreier P, Scheller C. (2006) Structure-activity relationships of flavonoid-induced cytotoxicity on human leukemia cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys.460, 1-9. (
  42. Knaup B, Kahle K, Erk T, Schreier P, Richling E. (2007) Human intestinal hydrolysis of phenol glycosides – A study with quercetin and p-nitrophenol glycosides using ileostomy fluid. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 51, 1423-1429. (
  43. Veeriah S, Hofmann T, Glei M, Dietrich H, Will F, Richling E, Pool-Zobel B L. (2007) Apple polyphenols and products from the gut differently inhibit survival of human colon cell lines derived from adenoma (LT97) and carcinoma (HT29). J. Agric. Food Chem. 55, 2892-2900. (
  44. Kahle K, Huemmer W, Kempf M, Erk T, Scheppach W, Richling E. (2007) Polyphenols are intensively metabolized in the human gastrointestinal tract after apple juice consumption. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55, 10605-10614. (
  45. Huemmer W, Dietrich H, Will F, Schreier P, Richling E. (2008) Content and mean polymerization degree of procyanidins in extracts obtained from clear and cloudy apple juices. Biotechnol. J. 3, 1-10. (
  46. Zessner H, Pan L, Will F, Klimo K, Knauft J, Niewohner R, Huemmer W, Owen R, Richling E, Frank N, Schreier P, Becker H, Gerhauser C. (2008) Fractionation of polyphenol-enriched apple juice extracts to identify constituents with cancer chemopreventive potential. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 52, S28-S44. (
  47. Knaup B, Kempf M, Fuchs J, Valotis A, Kahle K, Oehme A, Richling E, Schreier P. (2008) In vitro und ex vivo studies of the human intestinal transit and metabolism of D-galacturonic acid and amidated pectin. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 52, 840-848. (
  48. Bellion P, Hofmann T, Pool-Zobel B L, Will F, Dietrich H, Knaup B, Richling E, Baum M, Eisenbrand, Janzowski C. (2008) Antioxidant effectiveness of phenolic apple juice extracts and their gut fermentation products in the human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56, 6310-6317. (
  49. Veeriah S, Balavenkatraman K, Boehmer F, Kahle K, Glei M, Richling E, Scheppach W, Pool-Zobel B L. (2008) Intervention with cloudy apple juice results in altered biological activities of ileostomy samples collected from individual volunteers. Eur. J. Nutr. 47, 226-234. (
  50. Erk T, Bergmann H, Richling E. (2009) A novel method for the quantification of quinic acid in food using stable isotope dilution analysis. J. AOAC Int. 92, 730-733.
  51. Bergmann H, Rogoll D, Scheppach W, Melcher R, Richling E. (2009) Transport of apple polyphenols in physiologically relevant concentrations in T84 cell model and their influence on specific tight-junction genes. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53, 1211-1225.
  52. Jung M, Triebel S, Anke T, Richling E, Erkel G. (2009) Influence of apple polyphenols on inflammatory gene expression. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53, 1263-1280. (
  53. Klenow S, Miene C, Veeriah S, Knöbel Y, Richling E, Pool-Zobel B L, Glei M. (2009) Impact of apple polyphenols on GSTT2 gene expression, subsequent protection of DNA and modulation of proliferation using LT97 human colon adenoma cells. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53, 1254-1262. (
  54. Bergmann H, Kahle K, Triebel S, Richling E. (2010) The metabolic fate of apple polyphenols in humans. Curr. Nutr. Food Sci. 6, 19-35. (
  55. Schantz M, Mohn C, Baum M, Richling E. (2010) Antioxidative efficiency of an anthocyanin rich bilberry extract in the human colon tumor cell lines Caco-2 and HT-29. J. Berry Res. 1, 25-33. (
  56. Leipold D, Wuensch G, Muffler K, Schmidt M, Bart H-J, Bergmann H, Richling E, Ulber R. (2010) Biosynthesis of ursolic acid derivatives by microbial metabolism of ursolic acid with Nocardia sp. strains - proposal of new biosynthetic pathways. Process Biochem. 45, 1043-1051. (
  57. Kraus M, Kahle K, Ridder F, Schantz M, Scheppach W, Schreier P, Richling E. (2010) Colonic availability of bilberry anthocyanins in humans. In: Flavor and health benefits of small berries, (Quian M und Rimando A, eds), ACS Symposium Series, vol. 1035, Chapter 10, pp. 159-176. (
  58. Rogoll D, Bergmann H, Hellenschmidt D, Scheppach W, Melcher R, Richling E. (2010) Influence of apple polyphenols on the intestinal barrier in a colonic cell model. J. Appl. Bot. Food Qual. 83, 110-117. (
  59. Berger F, Feld J, Bertow D, Eisenbrand G, Fricker G, Gerhardt N, Merz K-H, Richling E, Baum M. (2010) Biological effects of acrylamide after daily ingestion of various foods in comparison to water: A study in rats. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 55, 387-399. (
  60. Wagner S, Richling E. (2010) Determination of phospholipids and lyso-phospholipids using high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS). Chromatographia72, 659-664.
  61. Schantz M, Erk T, Richling E. (2010) Metabolism of green tea catechins by the human small intestine. Biotechnol. J.5, 1050-1059. (
  62. Schantz M, Erk T, Richling E. (2010) Degradation of green tea catechins. In DFG-Symposium Novel Approaches: Risk assessment of phytochemicals in food, Eisenbrand G, ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010, S. 436.
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  64. Triebel S, Melcher R, Erkel G, Richling E. (2010) Influence of apple polyphenols on inflammatory gene expression. In DFG-Symposium Novel Approaches: Risk assessment of phytochemicals in food, Eisenbrand G, ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2010, S. 452.
  65. Baum M, Watzek N, Berger F, Feld J, Doroshyenko O, Tomalik-Scharte D, Fuhr U, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2010) Acrolein and acrylamide: Exposure estimation of food borne toxicants by monitoring mercapturic acids in human urine after consumption of potato crisps. Toxicology Letters196, S44. (
  66. Watzek N, Baum M, Berger F, Feld J, Richling E, Doroshyenko O, Tomalik-Scharte D, Fuhr U, Eisenbrand G. (2010) Comparison of dietary exposure to acrylamide and acrolein: monitoring mercapturic acids in human urine after consumption of potato crisps. Cancer Research70(8), 4692. (
  67. Hagl S, Deusser H, Janzowski C, Soyalan B, Will F, Dietrich H, Albert F W, Richling E. (2011) Colonic availability of polyphenols and D-(-)-quinic acid after apple smoothie consumption. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 55, 368-377. (
  68. Kahle K, Kempf M, Schreier P, Scheppach W, Schrenk D, Kautenburger T, Hecker D, Huemmer W, Ackermann M, Richling E. (2011) Transit and systemic metabolism of apple polyphenols. Eur. J. Nutr. 50, 507-522. (
  69. Weidel E, Schantz M, Richling E. (2011) Anthocyanin contents in blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) juices and fruit drinks. Fruit Processing (Flüssiges Obst)21, 102-107. (
  70. Koster S, Boobis A R, Chuberrley R, Hollnagel H, Richling E, Wildemann T, Wuertzen G, Galli C L (2001) Application of the TTC concept to unknown substances found in analysis of foods. Food Chem. Toxicol. 49, 1643-1660(
  71. Watzek N, Baum M, Berger F, Eisenbrand G, Feld J, Doroshyenko O, Tomalik-Scharte D, Fuhr U, Richling E. (2011) Acrolein and acrylamide: Comparison of the exposure via determination of mercapturic acids in urine after consumption of potato crisps. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology383, 94-95.
  72. Watzek N, Berger F, Eisenbrand G, Feld J, Hengstler J G, Richling E, Schug M, Baum M. (2011) Acrylamide: toxicokinetics in primary rat hepatocytes. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology383, 95.
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  74. Hollman P C H, Cassidy A, Comte B, Heinonen M, Rychelle M, Richling E, Serafini M, Scalbert A, Sies H, Vidry S. (2011) The biological relevance of direct antioxidant effects of polyphenols for cardiovascular health in humans is not established. J. Nutr. 141, 989S-1009S. (
  75. Bakuradze T, Baum M, Richling E. (2011) Sample preparation modulating the results of the comet assay; Abstracts of UKEMS/Dutch EMS-Sponsored Workshop on Biomarkers of Exposure and Oxidative DNA Damage and 7th GUM 32P-Postlabelling Workshop. Münster, Germany. March 28-29, 2011 Mutagenesis26 (5):718.
  76. Mueller D, Schantz M, Richling E. (2012) HPLC analysis of anthocyanins in bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) and corresponding juices. J. Food Science77, C340-C344. (
  77. Watzek N, Böhm N, Feld J, Scherbl D, Berger F, Merz K-H, Lampen A, Reemtsma T, Tannenbaum S R, Skipper P L, Baum M, Richling E, Eisenbrand G. (2012) N7-Glycidamide-guanine DNA adduct formation by orally ingested acrylamide in rats: a dose response study encompassing human diet-related exposure levels. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 25, 381-390. (
  78. Watzek N, Böhm N, Feld J, Scherbl D, Berger F, Merz K-H, Lampen A, Reemtsma T, Tannenbaum S R, Skipper P L, Baum M, Richling E, Eisenbrand G, Mercapturic acid excretion and N7-GA-Gua DNA adduct formation after low dose oral application of acrylamide to rats, AACR; Cancer Res 2012, 72(8 Suppl) abstract no. 5732. (
  79. Oidtmann J, Schantz M, Mäder K, Baum M, Berg S, Betz M, Kulozik U, Leick S, Rehage H, Schwarz K, Richling E. (2012) Preparation and comparative release characteristics of three anthocyanin encapsulation systems. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 844-851. (
  80. Betz M, Steiner B, Schantz M, Oidtmann J, Mäder K, Richling E, Kulozik U. (2012) Antioxidant capacity of bilberry extract microencapsulated in whey protein hydrogels. Food Res. Int. 47, 51-57. (
  81. Watzek N, Scherbl D, Berger F, Feld J, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2012) Acrolein and acrylamide: excretion of mercapturic acids after consumption of potato chips. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 385 (suppl.): S 101-102.
  82. Hoensch H, Müller D, Richling E. (2012) Down-regulation of inducible inflammatory genes of colon cancer cells by dietary tea-flavonoids. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 385 (suppl.): S 38.
  83. Richling E, Williamson G, Renouf M, Stieling H, Dionisi F, Barron D, Scheppach W, Melcher R, Erk T. (2012) Dose-response relationship of cholorgenic acids in humans. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 385 (suppl.): S 75.
  84. Eisenbrand G, Watzek N, Böhm N, Feld J, Scherbl D, Berger F, Merz K H, Lampen A, Reemtsma T, Tannenbaum S R, Skipper P L, Baum M, Richling E. (2012) Toxicology of the thermally generated dietary genotoxic carcinogen acrylamide. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 385 (suppl.): S 108-109.
  85. Richling E. Bioavailability of Dihydrochalcones. In: Flavonoids and related compounds – Bioavailability and Function. Ed. Jeremy P. Spencer, Alan Crozier, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2012, Chapter 7, p. 157-165.
  86. Watzek N, Baum M, Berger F,Doroshyenko O, Feld J, Fuhr U, Tomalik-Scharte D, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2012) Profiling of mercapturic acids of acrolein and acrylamidein human urine after consumption of potato crisps. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 56, 1825-1837. (
  87. Triebel S, Triu H-L, Richling E. (2012) Modulation of inflammatory gene expression by a bilberry extract (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and single anthocyanins considering their limited stability under cell culture conditions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 8902-8910. (
  88. Erk T, Williamson G, Renouf M, Marmet C, Steiling H, Dionisi F, Barron D, Melcher R, Richling E. (2012) Dose-dependent absorption of chlorogenic acids in the small intestine assessed by coffee consumption in ileostomists. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 66, 1488-1500. (
  89. Teller N, Roth M, Esselen M, Fridrich D, Boettler U, Blust V, Will F, Dietrich H, Raul F, Hümmer W, Richling E, Schreier P, Marko D. (2013) Apple procyanidins affect several members of the ErbB receptor tyrosine kinase family in vitro. Food & Function4, 689-697. ( c3fo30166d/unauth#!divAbstract)
  90. Kropat C, Mueller D, Boettler U, Zimmermann K, Heiss E, Dirsch V, Rogoll D, Melcher R, Richling E, Marko D. (2013) Modulation of Nrf2-dependent gene transcription by bilberry anthocyanins in vivo. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 57, 545-550. (
  91. Deusser H, Rogoll D, Scheppach W, Volk A, Melcher R, Richling E. (2013) Gastrointestinal absorption and metabolism of apple polyphenols ex vivo by the pig intestinal mucosa in the Ussing chamber. Biotechnol. J. 8, 363-370. (
  92. Baum M und Richling E, Lebensmitteltoxikologie, In: Toxikologie, Hrsg.: Hans Marquardt, Siegfried Schäfer, Holger Barth, Wiss. Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 3. Auflage, 2013.
  93. Chen W, Mueller D, Richling E, Wink M. (2013) Anthocyanin-rich purple wheat prolongs the life span of Caenorhabditis elegans by activating the DAF-16/FOXO transcription factor. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61, 3047-3053. (
  94. Mueller D, Triebel S, Rudakovski O, Richling E. (2013) Influence of triterpenoids in apple peel on inflammatory gene expression associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Food Chem. 139, 339-346. (
  95. Pickard S, Becker I, Merz K-H, Richling E. (2013) Determination of the alkylpyrazine composition of coffee using stable isotope dilution−gas chromatography−mass spectrometry (SIDA-GC-MS). J. Agric. Food Chem. 61, 6274-6281. (
  96. Scherbl D, Watzek N, Klesen K, Hilsch K, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2013) In vitro reaction kinetics of acrolein with DNA to generate N2-hydroxypropano-2´-deoxyguanosine DNA adducts. In: Asp. Appl. Biology 116, Acrylamide, furans and other food-borne contaminants, from plant science to food chemistry. Ed. Nigel Halford. Published by the Association of Applied Biologists, 2013, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK (ISSN 0265-1491), pp. 111-117. 20143073882)
  97. Watzek N, Scherbl D, Schug M, Hengstler J G, Baum M, Richling E, Eisenbrand G. (2013) Toxicokinetics of acrylamide in primary rat hepatocytes: coupling to glutathione is faster than conversion to glycidamide. Arch. Toxicol. 87, 1545-1556. (
  98. Erk T, Hauser J, Williamson G, Renouf M, Steiling H, Dionisi F, Richling E. (2014) Structure- and dose-absorption relationships of coffee polyphenols. BioFactors40, 103-112. ( index/docId/3906)
  99. Weidel E, Schantz M, Richling E. (2014) A rapid method for quantifying chlorogenic acid levels in potato samples. J. AOAC Int. 97, 902-907.
  100. Schantz M, Berg S, Betz M, Kulozik U, Leick S, Rehage H, Schwarz K, Baum M, Richling E. (2014) Triggered gastrointestinal release of anthocyanins from bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). Acta Horticulturae (ISSN 0567-7572) peer reviewed series, Proceedings Int. Soc. Hort. Sci. pp. 381-385. (
  101. Erk T, Renouf M, Williamson G, Melcher R, Steiling H, Richling E. (2014) Absorption and isomerization of caffeoylquinic acids from different foods using ileostomist volunteers. Eur. J. Nutr. 53, 159-166. (
  102. Baum M, Schantz M, Leick S, Berg S, Betz M, Frank K, Rehage H, Schwarz K, Kulozik U, Schuchmann H, Richling E. (2014) Is the antioxidative effectiveness of a bilberry extract influenced by encapsulation? J. Sci.Food Agric.94, 2301-2307. (
  103. Montoya G, Bakuradze T, Eirich M, Erk T, Baum M, Habermeyer M, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2014) Modulation of 3’-5’-cyclic AMP homeostasis in human platelets by coffee and individual coffee constituents. Brit. J. Nutr. 112, 1427-1437. (
  104. Pickard S, Wilms H, Richling E. (2014) Alkylpyrazine contents of coffee beverages using stable isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. LWT-Food Sci. Technol.58, 108-193. (
  105. Pickard S, Becker I, Wilms H, Merz K-H, Richling E. (2014) Alkylpyrazines from coffee – quantitation in powders and beverages. Proceedings of the 10th Wartburg Symposium, Current Topics in Flavor Chemistry & Biology, Eds: T. Hofmann, D. Krautwurst and P. Schieberle (ISBN 978-3-938896-79-2).
  106. Bakuradze T, Montoya Parra G A, Riedel A, Somoza V, Lang R, Dieminger N, Hofmann T, Winkler S, Hassmann U, Marko D, Schipp D, Raedle J, Bytof G, Lantz I, Stiebitz H, Richling E. (2014) Influence of a four week coffee intervention on nutrient intake, body composition, biomarkers associated with satiety and DNA integrity in humans. Food Res Int. 63, 420-427. (
  107. Riedel A, Dieminger N, Bakuradze T, Lang R, Montoya G, Hochkogler C M, Winkler S, Bytof G, Lantz I, Stiebitz H, Richlingi E, Hofmann T, Marko D, Schipp D, Raedle J, and Somoza V. (2014) Long-term effects of regular coffee: 4-week consumption of medium roast and dark roast coffees equally enhanced plasma free fatty acids and lymphocyte energy charge potential, and reduced platelet phosphodiesterase activity in healthy volunteers. Food Res. Int. 63, 409-419. (
  108. Winkler S, Dieminger N, Blust V, Riedel A, Bakuradze T, Montoya G, Hassmann U, Lang R, Hofmann T, Somoza V, Richling E, Bytof G, Stiebitz H, Lantz I, Schipp D, Raedle J, and Marko D. (2014) Modulation of inflammatory gene transcription after long-term coffee consumption. Food Res. Int. 63, 428-438. (
  109. Scherbl D, Muentnich S, Richling E. (2014) In vitro absorption studies of chlorogenic acids from coffee using the USSING chamber model Food Res. Int. 63, 456-463. (
  110. Corte-Real J, Richling E, Hofmann L, Bohn T (2014) Selective factors governing in vitro β-carotene bioaccessibility: negative influence of low filtration cutoffs and alterations by emulsifiers and food matrices. Nutr. Res. 34, 1101-1110. (
  111. Bakuradze T, Lang R, Hofmann T, Eisenbrand G, Schipp D, Galan J, Richling E. (2015) Consumption of a dark roast coffee decreases the level of spontaneous DNA stand breaks: a randomized-controlled trial. Eur. J. Nutr., 54, 149-156. (
  112. Juadjur A, Schantz M, Mohn C, Baum M, Winterhalter P, Richling E. (2015) Fractionation of an anthocyanin rich bilberry extract and in vitro antioxidative activity testing. Food Chem. 167, 418-424. (
  113. Corte-Real J, Iddir M, Soukoulis C, Richling E, Hoffmann L, Bohn T. (2015) Effect of divalent minerals on the bioaccessibility of lutein and other carotenoids. Eur. J. Ophtahlmol. 25, E60. ( (open access)
  114. Richling E, Kapitel 1.9 Bioaktive Komponenten - Polyphenole, In: Lehrbuch der Lebensmittelchemie, Franzke, Fischer, Glomb, Behr’s Verlag 2015.
  115. Ruenz M, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2016) Monitoring urinary mercapturic acids as biomarkers of human dietary exposure to acrylamide in combination with acrylamide uptake assessment based on duplicate diets. Arch. Toxicol.90, 873-881. (
  116. Bakuradze T, Lang R, Hofmann L, Schipp D, Galan J, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2016) Coffee consumption rapidly reduces background DNA strand breaks in healthy humans: Results of a short-term repeated uptake intervention study. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 60, 682-686.
  117. Corte-Real J, Iddir M, Soukoulis C, Richling E, Hoffmann L, & Bohn T. (2016). Effect of divalent minerals on the bioaccessibility of pure carotenoids and on physical properties of gastro-intestinal fluids. Food Chem, 197, 546-553. (
  118. Peixoto H, Roxo M, Krstin S, Röhrig T, Richling E, Wink M. (2016) An anthocyanin-rich extract of acai (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) increases stress resistance and retards aging-related markers in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. Agric. Food Chem., 64 (6), 1283–1290. (
  119. Scherbl D, Renouf M, Marmet C, Poquet L, Cristiani I, Sauser J, Dahbane S, Emady-Azar S, Galan J, Dionisi F, Richling E. (2017) Breakfast consumption induces retarded release of chlorogenic acid metabolites in humans. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 243, 791-806. (
  120. Corte-Real J, Bertucci M, Soukoulis C, Desmarchelier C, Borel P, Richling E, Hoffmann L, & Bohn T. (2017) Negative effects of divalent mineral cations on the bioaccessibility of carotenoids from plant food matrices and related physical properties of gastro-intestinal fluids. Food Funct. 8, 1008-1019. (
  121. Mueller D, Jung K, Winter M, Rogoll D, Melcher R, Richling E. (2017) Human intervention study to investigate the intestinal accessibility and bioavailability of anthocyanins from bilberries. Food Chem.231, 275-286. ( (open access)
  122. Goempel K, Tedsen L, Ruenz M, Bakuradze T, Schipp D, Galan J, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2017) Biomarker monitoring of controlled dietary acrylamide exposure indicates consistent human endogenous background. Arch. Toxicol. 91(11), 3551-3560. ( (open access)
  123. Roehrig T, Liesenfeld D, Richling E. (2017) Identification of phosphodiesterase inhibiting compounds in roasted coffee (Coffea arabica) through activity-guided fractionation. J. Agric. Food Chem.65 (19), 3792–3800. (
  124. Corte-Real J, Guignard C, Gantenbein M, Chioti A, Burgard K, Hoffmann L, Richling E, Bohn T. (2017) No influence of supplemental dietary calcium intake on the bioavailability of spinach carotenoids in humans. British Journal of Nutrition117(11), 1560-1569. (
  125. Peixoto H, Roxo M, Röhrig T, Richling E, Wang X, Wink M. (2017) Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Potential of Paullinia cupana Var. sorbilis: Findings in Caenorhabditis elegans Indicate a New Utilization for Roasted Seeds of Guarana. Medicines, 4, 61. (doi:10.3390/medicines4030061)
  126. Roehrig T, Pacjuk O, Hernandez-Hugueta S, Koerner J, Scherer K, Richling E. (2017) Inhibition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate-specific phosphodiesterase by various food plant-derived phytotherapeutic agents. Medicines4(4), 80; (doi:10.3390/medicines4040080)
  127. Kremer J I, Goempel K, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2017) Dosimetry of human exposure to furan by monitoring urinary exposure biomarkers. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 390 (suppl. 1): 48. (
  128. Corte-Real J, Desmarchelier C, Borel P, Richling E, Hoffmann L, Bohn T. (2018) Magnesium affects spinach carotenoid bioaccessibility in vitro depending on intestinal bile and pancreatic enzyme concentrations. Food Chem. 239, 751-759.
  129. Mueller D, Jung K, Winter M, Rogoll D, Melcher R, Kulozik U, Schwarz K, Richling E. (2018) Encapsulation of anthocyanins from bilberries - Effects on bioavailability and intestinal accessibility in humans. Food Chem. 248, 217-224. ( (open access)
  130. Kremer J I, Goempel K, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2018) Urinary excretion of niacin metabolites in humans after coffee consumption. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. (section Food & Function) 62, 1700735. (open access).
  131. Goempel K, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2018) Urinary background excretion of acrylamide biomarkers. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology391 (Suppl 1), S19.
  132. Mueller D, Kelm H, Ullrich S, Richling E. (2018) A 1H-NMR based method for quantifying creatinine in urine samples from human intervention studies. Eurasian J. Anal. Chem. 13, em51. DOI: (open access).
  133. Goerke K, Ruenz M, Lampen A, Abraham K, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2019) Biomonitoring of nutritional acrylamide uptake of consumers without dietary preferences as compared to vegans. Arch. Toxicol., 93, 987-996. DOI 10.1007/s00204-019-02412-x) (open access).
  134. Tur J A, Jacob C, Chaimbault P, Tadayyon M, Richling E, Hermans N, dos Santos C, Diederich M, Giblin L, Elhabiri M, Gaucher C, Andreoletti P, Fernandes A, Davies M, Bartoszek A, Cherkaoui-Malki M. (2019) Personalized nutrition in ageing society: redox control of major-age related diseases through the NutRedOx Network (COST Action CA16112). Free Radic. Res.53:sup1, 1163-1170. ( (open access)
  135. Bakuradze T, Becker D, Meiser P, Galan J, Richling E. (2019) Protection from DNA damage by use of an aronia food supplement – results from a pilot human intervention study. Curr. Pharm. Rep.5, 188–195. DOI: 10.1007/s40495-019-00178-5. (open access)
  136. Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2019) Neues zur Prozesskontaminante Acrylamid. Moderne Ernährung 1.
  137. Goerke K, Ruenz M, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2019) Monitoring urinary exposure biomarkers of dietary acrylamide intake in vegans and persons without dietary preferences. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 392 (Suppl 1), S4.
  138. Buckel L, Kremer J I, Stegmüller S, Richling E. (2019) Fast, sensitive and robust determination of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) contents in coffee beverages depending on the degree of roasting and brewing technique. Proceedings 11, 13. (open access)
  139. Fuchs C, Bakuradze T, Richling E. (2019) Effects of vine shoot extract on riboflavin-induced DNA damage in HepG2 cells. Proceedings 11, 19 access)
  140. Roehrig T, Kirsch V, Galan J, Richling E. (2019) Absorption of anthocyanin rutinosides after consumption of an extract from blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 67, 6792−6797. ( (open access)
  141. Kremer J I, Pickard S, Stadlmair L, Glaß-Theis A, Buckel L, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E. (2019) Pyrazines from coffee are intensively metabolized to pyrazine carboxylic acids in the human body. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 63, 1801341. ( (open access)
  142. Bakuradze T, Tausend A, Galan J, Groh I, Berry D, Tur J A, Marko D, Richling E. (2019) Antioxidative activity and health benefits of anthocyanin-rich fruit juice in health individuals. Free Radic. Res. 53, 1045-1055( (open access)
  143. Ostberg-Pothoff J J, Berger K, Richling E, Winterhalter P. (2019) Activity-guided fractionation of red fruit extracts for the identification of compounds influencing glucose metabolism. Nutrients11, 1166. ( (open access)
  144. Ruenz M, Goerke K, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Abraham K, Lampen A, Richling E. (2019) Sustained human background exposure to acrolein evidenced by monitoring urinary exposure biomarkers. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 63, 1900849. ( (open access)
  145. Møller P, Muruzabal D, Bakuradze T, Richling E, Stopper H, Langie S, Azqueta A, Jensen A, Scavone F, Giovannelli L, Wojewodzka M, Kruszewski M, Valdiglesias V, Laffon B, Costa C, Costa S, Teixeira J, Ricardo J, Marino M, DelBo' C, Riso P, Schaposchnikov S, Collins A. (2020) Potassium bromate as positive assay control for the Fpg modified comet assay. Mutagenesis 35, 341-347. (
  146. Fuchs C, Bakuradze T. Steinke R, Grewal R, Eckert G P, Richling E. (2020) Polyphenolic composition of extracts from winery by-products and effects on cellular cytotoxicity and mitochondrial functions in HepG2 cells. J. Funct. Foods 70, 103988. ( access)
  147. Groh I, Bakuradze T, Richling E, Pahlke G, Marko D. (2020) Consumption of anthocyanin-rich beverages affects Nrf2 and Nrf2-dependent gene transcription in peripheral lymphocytes and DNA integrity of healthy volunteers. BMC Chemistry, 14, 39. (
  148. Goettel C, Niesen S, Daub V, Werle T, Bakuradze T, Niesen S, Winterhalter P, Richling E (2020) In vitro inhibition of phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE 3B) by anthocyanin-rich fruit juice extracts and selected anthocyanins. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 6934. ( (open access)
  149. Roehrig T, Ehrhardt C, Scherer K, Weckbecker C, Eilers L, Müller-Albers J, Engel A, Richling E. (2019) Black currant anthocyanins and their metabolites inhibit 5-lipoxygenase and low density lipoprotein oxidation. Current Topics in Phytochemistry-Research Trends 15, 107-117. (open access)
  150. Kirsch V, Bakuardze T, Richling E. (2020) Toxicological testing of syringaresinol and enterolignans. Curr. Res. Toxicol. 1, 104-110. ( (open access)
  151. Møller P, Azqueta A, Boutet-Robinet E, Koppen G, Bonassi S, Milić M, Gajski G, Costa S, Teixeira J P, Costa Pereira C, Dusinska M, Godschalk R, Brunborg G, Gutzkow K B, Giovannelli L, Cooke M S, Richling E, Laffon B, Valdiglesias V, Basaran N, Del Bo’ C, Zegura B, Novak M, Stopper H, Vodicka P, Vodenkova S, Moraes de Andrade V, Sramkova M, Gabelova A, Collins A, Langie S. (2020) Minimum Information for Reporting Comet Assay (MIRCA) procedures and results. Nature Protocols 15, 3817-3826. (open access)
  152. Deusser H, Groh I, Bakuradze T, Simson N, Kaiser E, Barth H, Richling E. (2020) Are compounds present in the cytosol if cells or membrane-associated? A study with polyphenols in a colon carcinoma cell line model. Curr. Pharm. Reports, online first (open access)
  153. Stegmüller S, Beissmann N, Kremer J I, Baumann C, Mehl D, Richling E (2020) A new UPLC-qTOF approach for elucidating furan and 2-methylfuran metabolites in human urine samples after coffee consumption. Molecules (Special Issue (Mass Spectrometric) Non Target Screening–Techniques and Strategies) 25, 5104-5118. (doi:10.3390/molecules25215104). (open access)
  154. Berger K, Ostberg-Pothoff J J, Bakuradze T, Jerz G, Winterhalter P, Richling E. (2020) Carbohydrate hydrolase-inhibitory activity of berry-based juice phenolic extracts in correlation to their anthocyanin/copigment profile. Molecules 25, 5224 (doi:10.3390/molecules25225224). (open access)
  155. Kremer JI, Karlstetter D, Klier C, Rotermund J, Thomas H, Becker H, Lang L, Bakuradze T, Eisenbrand G, Richling E (2020) Detection and stability of BDA-lysine and -glutathione metabolites as urinary exposure biomarkers for furan in humans. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol.393 (Suppl 1): S51. (
  156. Groh I, Riva A, Braun D, Sutherland H, Termeer S, Williams O, Bakuradze T, Pahlke G, Richling E, Haupt LM, Griffiths LR, Berry D, Marko D (2021) Long-term consumption of anthocyanin-rich fruit juice: Impact on gut microbiota and antioxidant markers in lymphocytes of healthy males. Antioxidants10(1), 27. ( (open access)
  157. Bakuradze T, Meiser P, Galan J, Richling E (2021) DNA protection by an aronia juice-based food supplement. Antioxidants (Special Issue:“Dietary Bioactives and Their Metabolites as Modulators of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation”), 10, 857. ( (open access)
  158. Berger K, Ostberg Potthoff JJ, Bakuradze T, Winterhalter P, Richling E (2021) Blood Glucose Lowering Effect by an Extract from Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) – a pilot intervention study. Current Neutraceuticals2, 223-229. (
  159. Becker D, Bakuradze T, Hensel M, Beller S, Corral Yélamos C, Richling E (2021) Influence of brewer’s spent grain compounds on glucose metabolism enzymes. Nutrients, 13 (8), 2696. ( (open access)
  160. Renner H, Richling E, Durner D (2021) Influence of Vibration on the Consumption of Oxygen and Sulfur Dioxide in Wine Bottles Considering Bottle Position, and Headspace Volume. Am. J. Enol. Vitic.73, 48-55. (https://doi: 10.5344/ajev.2021.21023).
  161. Niesen S, Goettel C, Becker H, Bakuradze T, Winterhalter P, Richling E. (2021) Einfluss anthocyanreicher Extrakte aus Fruchtsaftkonzentraten und deren Fraktionen auf den Lipidstoffwechsel in vitro. Lebensmittelchemie75, S1-087-S1-088 (
  162. Niesen S., Goettel C, Becker H, Bakuradze T, Winterhalter P, Richling E. (2022) Fractionation of extracts from black chokeberry, cranberry, and pomegranate to identify compounds that influence lipid metabolism. Foods, special issue: Extraction, Characterization and Biological Activity of Food Bioactive Compounds. 11 (4), 570. ( (open access)
  163. Becker D., Permann S., Bakuradze T., Stegmüller S., Richling E (2022) Isolation and characterization of hordatine rich fractions from brewer´s spent grain and their biological activity on glucose metabolism enzymes. Sustainability, Special Issue: Sustainability: Recovery and Reuse of Brewing-Derived By-Products. 14(14) 8421. ( (open access)
  164. Hindelang P., Scharinger A., Richling E., Walch S.G., Lachenmeier D.W. (2022) Using the BMD approach to derive acceptable daily intakes of cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) relevant to electronic cigarette liquids. Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Ed.) 27(8) 228. (DOI: 10.31083/j.fbl2708228) (open access)
  165. Renner H., Richling E., Durner D. (2022) Influence of vibration on the volatile compounds, color, SO2 and CO2 of sparkling wine and white wine. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 73, 267-276. (DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2022.22007)
  166. Becker H, Dapp MJ, Stegmüller S, Richling E. (2022) Bestimmung von Methylglyoxal in Lebensmitteln mittels HPLC-MS/MS. Lebensmittelchemie 76, S2-354-S2-357. (
  167. Bohlen D, Leidner J, Stegmüller S, Richling E. (2022) GC/MS-Methodenentwicklung zum Lebensmittelscreening im Hinblick auf eine Furan-arme Ernährung. Lebensmittelchemie 76, S2-354-S2-357.
  168. Jochum TK, Stegmüller S, Richling E. (2022) Einfluss der Plastiksorption auf das toxische Potenzial von Monoterpenen gegenüber Salmonella typhimurium. Lebensmittelchemie 76, S2-354-S2-357.
  169. Carlsson M, Vollmer A S, Demuth P, Heylmann D, Reich D, Quarz C, Rasenberger B, Nikolova T, Hoffman T, Christmann M, Fuhlbrueck J A, Stegmüller S, Richling E, Cartus A, Fahrer J (2022) p53 triggers mitochondrial apoptosis following DNA damage-dependent replication stress by the hepatotoxin methyleugenol. Cell Death & Disease 13, 1009 (open access)
  170. Wirz K, Schwarz S, Richling E, Walch S G, Lachenmeier D W (2022) Coffee flower as a promising novel food-chemical characterization and sensory evaluation. Biology and Life Science Forum 18(1), 53. (
  171. Becker D, Stegmueller S, Richling E (2022) Characterization of brewer´s spent grain extracts by tandem mass spectrometry and HPLC-DAD: ferulic acid dehydrodimers, phenolamides, and oxylipins. Food Science & Nutrition. 11 (5) 2298-2320. DOI:10.1002/fsn3.3178 (open access)
  172. Rödl S, den Brave F, Räschle M, Lenhard S, Groh C, Becker H, Zimmermann J, Morgan B, Richling E, Becker T, Herrmann J M (2022) The metabolite-controlled ubiquitin conjugase Ubc8 promotes mitochondrial protein import. Life Science Alliance 6 (1), 1-16. DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202201526
  173. Rahn C, Bakuradze T, Stegmüller S, Galan J, Niesen S, Winterhalter P, Richling E (2023) Polyphenol-rich beverage consumption affecting parameters of the lipid metabolism in healthy subjects. Int.J. Mol. Sci., 24, 841. (open access)
  174. Ramirez-Hincapie S, Birk B, Ternes P, Giri V,·Haake V, Herold M, Zickgraf FM, Verlohner A, Huener H-A, Kamp H, Driemert P, Landsiedel R, Richling E, Funk-Weyer D, van Ravenzwaay B (2023) A high‑throughput metabolomics in vitro platform for the characterization of hepatotoxicity. Cell Biol. Toxicol. (open access)
  175. Korz S, Moore C, Sadzik S, Buchmann C, Richling E, Munoz K (2023) Effect of grape pomace varieties and soil characteristics on the leaching potential of total carbon, nitrogen and polyphenols. Soil Systems 2023, 7(2), 49, (open access)
  176. Kremer J I, Karlstetter D., Kirsch V, Bohlen D, Klier C, Rotermund J, Thomas H, Lang L, Becker H, Bakuradze T, Stegmueller S, Richling E (2023) Urinary excretion of furan and 2-methylfuran metabolites in humans after coffee consumption: a pilot study. Metabolites (13)9, 1011. (open access)
  177. Ramirez-Hincapie S, Birk B, Ternes P, Giri V,·Zickgraf FM, Haake V, Herold M, Kamp H, Driemert P, Landsiedel R, Richling E, Funk-Weyer D, van Ravenzwaay B (2023) Application of high throughput in vitro metabolomics for hepatotoxicity mode of action characterization and mechanistic-anchored point of departure derivation: a case study with nitrofurantoin. Arch. Toxicol. 97, 2903–2917. (open access)
  178. Luckner B, Essfeld F, Ayobahan SU, Richling E, Eilebrecht E, Eilebrecht S (2023) Transcriptomic profiling of TLR-7-mediated immune-challenge in zebrafish embryos in the presence and absence of glucocorticoid-induced immunosuppression. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 266, 1, 115570
  179. Møller P, Azqueta A, Sanz-Serrano J, Bakuradze T, Richling E, Bankoglu EE, Stopper H, Bastos VC, Langie SAS, Jensen A, Scavone F, Giovannelli L, Wojewódzka M, Kruszewski M, Valdiglesias V, Laffon B, Costa C, Costa S, Teixeira JP, Marino M,Del Bo’ C, Riso P, Zheng C, Shaposhnikov S, Collins A (2023) Visual comet scoring revisited: a guide to scoring comet assay slides and obtaining reliable results. Mutagenesis 38, 253–263.
  180. Møller P, Azqueta A, Rodriguez-Garraus A, Bakuradze T, Richling E, Bankoglu EE, Stopper H, Bastos VC, Langie SAS, Jensen A, Ristori S, Scavone F, Giovannelli L, Wojewódzka M, Kruszewski M, Valdiglesias V, Laffon B, Costa C, Costa S, Teixeira JP, Marino M,Del Bo’ C, Riso P, Zheng C, Shaposhnikov S, Collins A (2023) Long-term cryopreservation of potassium bromate positive assay controls for measurement of oxidatively damaged DNA by the Fpg-modified comet assay: results from the hCOMET ring trial Mutagenesis 38, 264–272
  181. Møller P, Azqueta A, Rodriguez-Garraus A, Bakuradze T, Richling E, Bankoglu EE, Stopper H, Bastos VC, Langie SAS, Jensen A, Ristori S, Scavone F, Giovannelli L, Wojewódzka M, Kruszewski M, Valdiglesias V, Laffon B, Costa C, Costa S, Teixeira JP, Marino M,Del Bo’ C, Riso P, Zheng C, Shaposhnikov S, Collins A (2023) DNA strand break levels in cryopreserved mononuclear blood cell lines measured by the alkaline comet assay: results from the hCOMET ring trial. Mutagenesis 38, 273–282.
  182. Møller P, Azqueta A, Collia M, Bakuradze T, Richling E, Bankoglu EE, Stopper H, Bastos VC, Langie SAS, Jensen A, Ristori S, Scavone F, Giovannelli L, Wojewódzka M, Kruszewski M, Valdiglesias V, Laffon B, Costa C, Costa S, Teixeira JP, Marino M,Del Bo’ C, Riso P, Zheng C, Shaposhnikov S, Collins A (2023) Inter-laboratory variation in measurement of DNA damage by the alkaline comet assay in the hCOMET ring trial. Mutagenesis 38, 283–294.
  183. Bohlen D, Eichel L, Stegmüller S, Richling E (2023) Studies investigating the side-chain hydroxylation of 2,5-dimethylfuran Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 396, pages 1–76 (no. 68)
  184. Kirsch V., Stegmüller S, Richling E (2023) Metabolic activation of 2-methylfuran and reactivity towards biomolecules Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 396, pages 1–76 (no. 70)
  185. König S, Bakuradze T, Jesser S, Sreeja HA, Carlsson MJ, Fahrer J, Kins S, Richling E (2024) Influence of bilberry extract on neuronal cell toxicity. Biology 13(6), 376. ( (open access)
  186. Feifel S, Weilack I, Markusevic E, Zimmermann D, Wegmann-Herr P, Weber F, Richling E, Durner D (2024) Influence of potential alcohol in grapes on phenolic and sensory characteristics of red wine. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2024, 72, 22, 12725–12737. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c01035)

  187. Bohlen D, Karlstetter D, Leidner J, Kremer J, Kirsch V, Eisenbrand G, Bakuradze T, Stegmüller S, Richling E (2024) Dosimetry of human exposure to furan and 2-methylfuran by monitoring urinary biomarkers. Food Chem. Toxicol. 189, 114774. (doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2024.114774) (open access)

  188. Fabry P, Weber S, Teipel J, Richling E, Walch SG, Lachenmeier DW (2024) Quantitative NMR spectrometry of isoeugenol in herbs, spices and essential oils. Foods 13(5), 720. ( (open access)

  189. Schäfer V, Stegmüller S, Becker H, Richling E (2024) Metabolic activation of 2-methylfuran to acetylacrolein and reactivity toward cellular proteins. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 37(11) 1807-1820. (open access)

  190. Cvetkova S, Edinger E, Zimmermann D, Woll B, Stahl M, Scharfenberger-Schmeer M, Richling E, Durner D (2024). 2-Aminoacetophenone formation through UV-C induced degradation of tryptophan in the presence of riboflavin in model wine: role of oxygen and transition metals. Food Chemistry, 140259.

  191. Schäfer V, Stegmüller S, Becker H, Richling E (2024) Reactivity of the 2-methylfuran phase I metabolite 3-acetylacrolein toward DNA.J. Agric. Food Chem. 72(45) 25319-25329. (10.1021/acs.jafc.4c07280) (open access)

  192. Jochum TK, Stegmüller S, Richling E (2024) Substance depletion of volatile monoterpenes - A confounding factor for toxicity testing in the Ames fluctuation test. Toxicology 509, 153993. ( (open access)

  193. Toma AC, Stegmüller S, Goerke J, Richling E. (2025) Coumarin contents of tonka (Dipteryx odorata) products. Eur. Food Res. Technol. (Doi: 10.1007/s00217-024-04648-z)

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