in the Meyer Lab
Dynamics of transition metal ion molecule reactions

We are interested in how chemical reactions proceed at the atomic level, that is how atoms rearrange during the reaction and how energy is partitioned in the product channels. To gain insight into these fundamental process we investigate the dynamics of reactive collisions. Our experiment uses a combination of crossed beams with 3D velocity map imaging by recording product ion velocity distributions. Due to our single collision conditions we can control the collision energy of our reactive collision of choice.
Our research investigates the activation of small molecules by transition metal ions. We aim at mechanistic insight, e.g. if the atomistic mechanisms are direct or indirect. Transitions metal ions are known for their state-selective chemistry and we are interested in the influences of electronic states on the dynamical signatures or that of the principle of two state reactivity. Our chosen neutral reactants are small molecules for which the initial bond activation presents the rate limiting step. Currently we focus on methane and carbon dioxide or small olefins.
In the experiment, we prepare a beam of atomic cations of the respective transition metal and cross it with a molecular beam of the neutral reactant. Product ions are mapped onto a position and time sensitive detector. The recorded experimental angle and energy product ion velocity distributions correspond to differential scattering cross sections. The DCS contains signatures which we can interpret in light of atomistic mechanisms.
- Dynamics of bond activation in small molecules
- Dynamics of C-C coupling reactions by crossed beam imaging
Selected Publications

- M. E. Huber, A. Ceman, P. Weber, L. Berg, N. R. East, C. Riehn, K. Heinze, J. Meyer, Gas phase characterization of a redox active manganese complex, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.2024 35, 2642
Part of the 2024 Emerging Investigators Issue
- M. E. Huber, T. W. R. Lewis, M. Meta, S. G. Ard, Y. Liu, B. C. Sweeny, H. Guo, M. Oncák, N. S. Shuman, J. Meyer, Ta+ and Nb+ + CO2: Intersystem crossing in ion-molecule reactions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2024, 26, 8670
- M. Meta, M. E. Huber, T. Michaelsen, A. Ayasli, M. Oncák, R. Wester, J. Meyer, Dynamics of the Oxygen Atom Transfer Reaction between Carbon Dioxide and the Tantalum Cation, J. Chem. Phys. Lett.2023, 14, 5524
- J. Meyer, V. Tatji, E. Carrascosa, T. Gyori, M. Stei, T. Michaelsen, B. Bastian, G. Czakó, R. Wester; Atomistic dynamics of elimination and substitution disentangled for the F- + CH3CH2Cl reaction, Nat. Chem. 2021, 13, 977
- J. Meyer, E. Carrascosa, T. Michaelsen, B. Bastian, A. Li, H. Guo, R. Wester, Unexpected Indirect Dynamics in Base-Induced Elimination. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 20300
- M. Stei, E. Carrascosa, A. Dörfler, J. Meyer, B. Olasz, G. Czakó, A. Li, H. Guo, R. Wester, Stretching vibration is a spectator in nucleophilic substitution. Sci. Adv. 2018, 4, eaas9544
- J. Meyer, R. Wester, Ion-Molecule Reaction Dynamics, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem.2017, 68, 333,
- E. Carrascosa, J. Meyer, R. Wester, Chem. Soc. Rev.2017, 46, 7498
- E. Carrascosa, J. Meyer, J. Zhang, M. Stei, T. Michaelsen, W. L. Hase, L. Yang, R. Wester, Imaging dynamic fingerprints of competing E2 and SN2 reactions, Nature Comm. 2017, 8, 25
- M. Stei, E. Carrascosa, M. A. Kainz, M. A.; A. H. Kelkar, J. Meyer, I. Szabó, G. Czakó, R. Wester, Influence of the leaving group on the dynamics of a gas-phase SN2 reaction, Nature Chem. 2016, 8, 151
- S. Peredkov, M. Neeb, W. Eberhardt, J. Meyer, M. Tombers, H. Kampschulte, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, Spin and Orbital Magnetic Moments of Free Nanoparticles, Phys. Rev. Lett.2011, 107, 23340