AG Meyer

Welcome to the Group of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Meyer




Recent News


The "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)" funds the project "Temperaturänderung - Wärme - Energie: 1. Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik im Grundpraktikum, begreifbar durch Kalorimeter-Experimente". Jennifer together with Christoph Riehn put together the proposal which the FCI funds with about 17 k€ as part of this years call for "Etablierung neuer Lehrmethoden im Chemiestudium" to support teaching in chemistry.


Potential energy surfaces for Ta+ + CO2 -> TaO+ + CO  and Nb+ + CO2 -> NbO+ + CO  published! Our collaborators from Innsbruck (Austria) and Albuquerque (NM, USA) were able to construct a full dimensional potential energy surface and run trajectories. Now we can compare our experimental results with theory and we get a good agreement!

Group Leader

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Meyer

Office 52-532

Phone +49 631 205 4211 

Fax +49 631 205 2750

E‑Mail jennifer.meyer(at)


Marita Donauer

Office 52-531

Phone +49 631 205 2536

Fax +49 631 205 2750

E‑Mail marita.donauer(at)

Open Positions

Graduate Students and PostDocs

We are always looking for highly motivated researchers to join our team. If you are interested please directly contact Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Meyer by E-Mail (jennifer.meyer(at)

Undergraduate Projects

Students who have a passion for physical chemistry (or molecular physics) and are interested to understand chemical reactions at a fundamental level and in the operation of advanced gas phase experimental setups should contact us. We have opportunities for F-Praktika, Bachelor or Master thesis projects with the possibility to participate in state-of-the-art experiments on reactive scattering in combination with velocity map imaging.

Student Researchers

We have openings for student researcher positions (HiWi's). If you are interested in participating in a unique research project on reaction dynamics, in building new scientific instruments and generally how to run complex gas phase physical chemistry experiments, please directly contact Jun.-Prof. Jennifer Meyer or any member of our group. We are always looking for motivated students to join our team.