
from the Meyer Lab



Open Positions

Graduate Students and PostDocs

We are always looking for highly motivated researchers to join our team. If you are interested please directly contact Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Meyer by E-Mail (jennifer.meyer(at)

Undergraduate Students

Students who have a passion for physical chemistry (or molecular physics) and are interested to understand chemical reactions at a fundamental level and in the operation of advanced gas phase experimental setups should contact us. We have opportunities for F-Praktika, Bachelor or Master thesis projects with the possibility to participate in state-of-the-art experiments on reactive scattering in combination with velocity map imaging.

Student Researchers

We have openings for student researcher positions (HiWi's). If you are interested in participating in a unique research project on reaction dynamics, in building new scientific instruments and generally how to run complex gas phase physical chemistry experiments, please directly contact Jun.-Prof. Jennifer Meyer or any member of our group. We are always looking for motivated students to join our team.



Maximilian Huber successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

Our joint theory experiment paper on the activation dynamics of methane by tantalum cations Ta+ is accepted by Chemical Science and available as advanced online. Congratulations to all who worked hard for it!

Lars Schmitt joins our team for his master thesis project. He will work on characterizing our Even Lavie valve and designing a new molecular beam chamber for our crossed beam instrument. Welcome and good luck!



Muzaffer Okyay successully defended his Bachelor's project "Dichtebestimmung eines Puffergases in einer Ionenfalle". Congratulations Muzaffer!


We had a busy month with the defense of two Master's projects in our group.

Adela Ceman successfully defended her Master's project "Reactivity of isolated transition metal complexes via irradiaiton in a 3D Paul trap"! Congratulations Mrs. Adela Ceman, MSc.! We wish you good luck and all the best for your future.

Boris Heeb successully defended his Masters's project "Reaktionsdynamiken on Übergangsmetallion-Molekül-Reaktionen am Beispiel der Bindungsaktivierung kleiner Moleküle". Congratulations Mr. Boris Heeb, MSc.! He will join the group to keep on working on reaction dynamics.

The emerging investigators special issue of the American Journal for Mass Spectrometry is published. The cover shows the emerging investigators that contributed to the issue. Jennifer has been invited to contribute to the issue, which we did with the paper on the gas phase characterization of the [Mn(dgpy)2]n+ complexes (10.1021/jasms.4c00113).



The "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)" funds the project "Temperaturänderung - Wärme - Energie: 1. Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik im Grundpraktikum, begreifbar durch Kalorimeter-Experimente". Jennifer together with Christoph Riehn put together the proposal which the FCI funds with about 17 k€ as part of this years call for "Etablierung neuer Lehrmethoden im Chemiestudium" to support teaching in chemistry.


Muzaffer Okyay starts his Bachelor's project. He will be working on characterizing our new radio frequency ion  trap. Welcome and good luck!


Potential energy surfaces for Ta+ + CO2 -> TaO+ + CO  and Nb+ + CO2 -> NbO+ + CO  published! Our collaborators from Innsbruck (Austria) and Albuquerque (NM, USA) were able to construct a full dimensional potential energy surface and run trajectories. Now we can compare our experimental results with theory and we get a good agreement!

Marcel presented his research at the 6th Young Researches Symposium at the Fraunhofer Center Kaiserslautern.

Max published his paper  "Gas-Phase Characterization of Redox-Active Manganese Complexes". Congratulations! The paper is part of the "Emerging Investigators" special issue of the J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. which Jennifer was invited to contribute to.


Ms. Guelben Eroglu joins as a student researcher. She works on etablishing a new molecular beam experiment for the student lab course. Welcome!


I (Jun.-Prof. Jennifer Meyer) presented our paper on crossed beam data on the dynamics of carbene formation reaction  Ta+ + CH4 -> TaCH2+ + H2 at the Faraday Discussion New Directions in Molecular Scattering. The paper is available as advanced online article (open access) and will be published as part of the volume on the Faraday Discussion. Congratulations to all who worked hard on that study.

Martin Wedele successfully defened his Master's thesis on crossed beam experiments Ta+ + CD4 and Zr+ + CO2. Congratulations and all the best for your future!


Max first paper on the importance of intersystem crossing in Ta+ and Nb+ + CO2 reaction dynamics has been published in PCCP. Congratulations! The article is published OpenAccess. Our paper has been selcted as 2024 PCCP HOT Articles! If you are interested follow the link


Adela Ceman joins our group for her Master's project. She will work towards investigating the photo reactivity of transition metal complexes using a 3D-Paul trap mass spectrometer. Welcome and all the best for your project.


Our New View review article is published in Molecular Phyiscs. If you are interested in "Ion molecule reaction dynamics for disentangling competing reactive pathways" follow The review is open access.

Daniel Langhauser successfully defends his Bachelor's thesis! Congratulations and good luck for your future!



Daniel Langhauser starts his Bachelor's project! Welcome and good luck!


Martin starts his Master's project on the reaction dynamics of transition metal ion with small molecules. Welcome and good luck!


First crossed beam paper out of Kaiserslautern accepted for publication!
Our paper on the reaction dynamics of Ta+ + CO2 has been published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. ( Congratulations to all who worked hard to make it possible.


Trendberichte of the Nachrichten der Chemie on physical chemistry 2023 online! Together with Dimitry Borodin, Jennifer Meyer contributed a Trendbericht on "Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics" highlighting recent advances in gas phase molecular reaction dynamics and surface kinetics. The Trendbericht is OpenAccess and can be found here

The Trendberichte were presented in an online event of the young Physical Chemists of the German Bunsen Society.


Lisa Berg successfully defends her Bachelor thesis's project! Good luck for your future Lisa.

Marcel and Max presented our scattering results at the DPG spring meeting in Hannover. Both giving their first (poster) presentations. Well done!




Lisa Berg joins our lab for her Bachelor thesis. She will work on electro spray ionization mass spectrometry on multiply positively charged transition metal complexes. Welcome and good luck!


Maurice joins our team for his PhD thesis. He will design and build a new ion trap for our crossed beam imaging experiment to prepare reacitive intermediates which will be used for investigating the reaction dynamic of C-C coupling reactions.


The "Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)" approaved our proposal on improving teaching on electrochemistry in student labs.

Maurice successfully defended his Master thesis Congratulations!


Jennifer Meyer gave a keynote talk at the Bunsen-Meeting in Gießen with the title "Dynamics of the oxygen atom transfer reaction between the carbon dioxide and the tantalum cation Ta+". An article about the research presented in the keynote has been published in the topical issue of theBunsenmagazin (6/2022) on the Bunsen-Meeting.


Marvin successfully defended his Master thesis. Congratulations and all the best for your future!


Sarah Schröck joins our group for her Master thesis' project which is a joint project with the group of Jun.-Prof. Sabine Becker form inorganic chemistry. Sarah will work on HPLC-MS and experiments on azoligands synthesized in the Becker group.


Our Project on "Dynamics of C-C coupling reactions of acitvated carbon centers by crossed beam imaging" was granted by the DFG.



Maurice Birk joins our team as Master student. He will work on upgrading the crossed-beam imaging experiment.



Adela Ceman successfully defends her Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!


Martin Wedele successfully defends his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations!

Adela Ceman starts her Bachelor thesis on characterizing the ion beam and its time-of-flight in our crossed beam imaging set-up. Welcome and good luck!


Marvin Theisen joins our team to work on creating and characterizing reactive intermediates at a 3D Paul-trap instrument. Welcome and good luck!


Martin Wedele joins us for his Bachelor thesis on molecular beam characterization. Good luck!


It's moving time. The experiment finally arrives in its new home in the chemistry building: 52-516!

Max Huber joins the team. His research will focus on reactions of the iron cation with small molecules with a special look on electronic state effects.



Marcel joins as PhD student. He will be working on bond activation of small molecules by tantalum. Welcome!