from the Becker Lab
02/2025 - Cover in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry!
Our publication in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry was awarded the cover picture:
Oliver A. Müller et al. A Reversibly Photoswitchable Zinc Metallocycle based on Azobenzene
10/2024 - Publication in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
Our publication with colleagues from organic chemistry was published in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis: Generation of Sulfamoyl Radicals via Visible-Light Mediated Fixation of Sulfur Dioxide for the Synthesis of Sulfonamides.
08/2024 - Presentation and poster prize for Nesrin Dilmen and Florian Altes at the 6th Young Researchers Symposium (YRS)!
At the YRS last Thursday, both Nesrin Dilmen and Florian Altes won a prize for the best oral and poster presentations for their great conference contributions! Congratulations!
04/2024 - Cover in Chemistry!
Our publication in Chemistry was awarded the cover picture:
R. I. Petrikat et al. a Photoswitchable Metallocycle Based on Azobenzene: Synthesis, Characterization, and Ultrafast Dynamics.
03/2024 - Florian Altes is awarded a Steinhofer Prize!
Together with two other Master's graduates from the department, Florian Altes was awarded the Steinhofer Prize for the best academic achievements in 2023! The Steinhofer Prizes are awarded annually to the three best graduates of the year at a ceremony organized by the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations, Florian!
05/2024 - Cover in ZAAC!
Our publication in ZAAC was awarded the cover picture:
Raphael I. Petrikat's publication on the equilibrium of mono- and binuclear Cu(II)-dimethylglyoxime complexes and its use for the simple preparation of Cu(I) salts [Cu(CH3CN)4]X (X = ClO4-, BF4-, OTf-) is online
02/2024 - Publication in ChemPlusChem online!
Sabine Becker's concept article on understanding cooperative effects in homo- and hetero-metal complexes is online.
11/2023 - "Metalheads" - What is all that metal in our heads actually doing?
We all have metals in our heads. But what effect do they have there? Why are some bad and without others literally nothing works? Sabine Becker provided answers to questions like these at a CampusKultur lecture at RPTU on Thursday - and also discussed current impulses from research.
11/2023 - DFG approves new Research Training Group WERA
The DFG has approved a proposal from RPTU for the establishment of a Research Training Group on the recovery of raw materials from wastewater. This means that 8.6 million euros will be available for five years from next summer. The new research training group, called WERA (Wertstoff Abwasser), will focus on the recovery of phosphorus from wastewater.
A total of 11 researchers from the fields of chemistry, physics, civil engineering and mechanical and process engineering are involved in the application. These include four chemists: Prof. Dr. Sabine Becker (Inorganic Chemistry), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kleist (Technical Chemistry), Prof. Dr. Stefan Kubik (Organic Chemistry) and Prof. Dr. Werner Thiel (Inorganic Chemistry).
10/2023 - Sabine Becker appointed university professor in inorganic chemistry
On 20.10.23, Professor Dr. Sabine Becker, previously Junior Professor in the Department of Chemistry at RPTU, was appointed University Professor (W2).
09/2023 - Sabine Becker Deputy President of the German Chemical Society
From 2024, Sabine Becker will not only help shape the fortunes of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) as a member of the Executive Board for four years, but has also been elected Deputy President of the GDCh by the Executive Board. The term of office is one year.
07/2023 - Sparkassen Prize for Marisa F. Jakobs!
Marisa F. Jakobs has received one of the Sparkasse prizes for the best final theses at RPTU in 2022. Congratulations, Marisa! We are very happy for you!
07/2023 - Sabine Becker becomes part of the GDCh Board of Directors
The GDCh members have elected Sabine Becker to the Board for the term of office 2024 - 2027.
06/2023 - Symposium on sustainability
What are the energy sources of the future? What does climate change mean for forests and the sea? Why is (waste) water so valuable? How can we as individuals make the world a little more sustainable? As part of a teaching project, students at the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) have addressed questions such as these and put scientific findings into a generally understandable form.
06/2023 - Show debate: Should the Mainzelmännchen represent the RPTU?
In a show debate, students and lecturers at RPTU in Kaiserslautern engaged in a heated and witty verbal battle over the question of whether the Mainzelmännchen should represent RPTU. On the side of the lecturers, Sabine Becker and her colleagues argued against the Mainzelmännchen, who also won the show debate.
05/2023 - MINT-Festival Maria-Ward-Schule Landau in der Pfalz
As part of the MINT Festival under the slogan “Promoting girls in the MINT field” - Nothing easier than that! Rapahel I. Petrikat and Marisa F. Jakobs introduced schoolgirls at the Maria Ward School in Landau to the wonderful world of “Bioinorganic chemistry - how metal ions control life” with various hands-on experiments.
05/2023 - Publication in the Special Issue "Commemorating 150 Years of Justus von Liebig's Legacy" in Chemistry online!
The publication by Stephanie L. Faber and Nesrin I. Dilmen on the redox equilibrium of TPP- and TPPO-containing Cu(I) and Cu(II) complexes has now been published with open access in Chemistry (MDPI).
Article: 10.3390/chemistry5020087
03/2023 - Marisa F. Jakobs is awarded a Steinhofer Prize!
Together with two other Master's graduates from the department, Marisa F. Jakobs was awarded the Steinhofer Prize for the best academic achievements in 2022! The Steinhofer Prizes are awarded annually to the three best graduates of the year at a ceremony organized by the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations, Marisa!
03/2023 - Inside Cover in Chemistry online!
Our publication in Chemistry - A Eurpoean Journal was awarded an Inside Cover:
R. I. Petrikat, S. Steiger, E. Barani, P. J. Boden, M. E. Huber, M. E. Ringenberg, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, K. Fink, S. Becker: Cooperativity-Driven Reactivity of a Dinuclear Copper Dimethylglyoxime Complex, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202203438.
Article: 10.1002/chem.202203438
Cover: 10.1002/chem.202203438
03/2023 - Sabine Becker is running in the election of the GDCh Board of Directors
In the upcoming GDCh Board election (term of office 2024-2027), Sabine Becker is running in Area A (Universities, Research Institutions and Authorities). She sees her future work on the Board as focusing on strengthening university teaching, promoting young talent in terms of gender equality and equal opportunities, internationalization and intensifying public relations/science communication. More information about the election and the 24 candidates standing for election can be found here and here.
02/2023 - Publication in Chemistry A European Journal is online!
Raphael I. Petrikat's publication on cooperativity in copper-dimethylglyoxime complexes is now online! Many thanks also to our cooperation partners!
01/2023 - Book Review online
The review of the book “Molecular Bio-Sensors and the Role on Metal Ions” (Volume 23 of Metal Ions in Life Sciences, Series Editors: Astrid Sigel, Helmut Sigel, Eva Freisinger, Roland K. O Sigel, Guest Editor: Thomas J. Meade) is now published in Inorg. Chim. Acta online.
01/2023 - From now on we are the RPTU Kaiserslautern - Landau
Since 01.01.2023, the TU Kaiserslautern and the university location Landau together form the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau, the RPTU!
09/2022 - Application for Lehre Plus funding approved!
Sabine Becker's proposal to set up an interdisciplinary symposium on sustainability has been selected as a Teaching Plus project 2022! This means that €20,000 is now available to set up a new module that combines the topic of sustainability with science communication and the transfer of specialist knowledge to pupils!
08/2022 - Cover in ZAAC!
Our publication in ZAAC was awarded the cover picture:
R. I. Petrikat, S. Becker, BF4- as source for the preparation of BF2 bridged copper(II) dimethylglyoxime complexes, Z. allg. anorg. Chem. 2022, 648, e202200150
07/2022 - Visiting professor at the University of Vienna
From 15.04. - 30.06.2022 Sabine Becker was a visiting professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna. In addition to working on scientific collaborations, she was involved in teaching the Master's degree course in Chemistry with the lecture “Concepts of Bioinorganic Chemistry”. She also gave the lecture “Bioinorganic Chemistry - From small molecule activation to zinc imaging in live cells” as part of the spring festival.
06/2022 - Publication in ZAAC online!
Raphael I. Petrikat's publication on the decomposition of BF4- and subsequent incorporation of BF2 units into the ligand scaffold of copper dimethylglyoxime complexes is online!
06/2022 - Scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation for Annika Pick
Annika Pick has received a doctoral scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation for her topic “Synthesis and characterization of photoswitchable zinc sensors based on azobenzene”. Congratulations and a good start to the project, Annika!
09/2021 - Six questions to...
Now online: Sabine Becker in the series “Six questions to...” of the Klaus Tschira Foundation
02/2021 - Trend Report Inorganic Chemistry online
The Trend Report Inorganic Chemistry (Nachrichten der Chemie) by Dragos-Adrian Rosca and Sabine Becker is now online and can be found here.
01/2020 - Cover and -interview in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.
C. Gawlig, S. Schindler and S. Becker, One-pot conversion of Cyclohexane to Adipic Acid Using a µ4-Oxido-Copper Cluster as Catalyst Together with Hydrogen Peroxide, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2020
02/2019 - Poster prize for Sabine Becker at the Bruker-AXS/MIT Symposium
Sabine Becker receives the poster prize at the Bruker-AXS/MIT Symposium in Cambridge (USA) for the poster “A Crystallographer's Nightmare or a Fascinating Case of Disorder? - The Detailed Refinement of a Large and Highly Disordered Structure”
12/2018 - SFB/TRR 88 “3MET” enters the third funding period!
The DFG approves the third funding period of 3MET (2019-2022), in which we are represented with an independent subproject.
03/2018 - Article in Acta Cryst B erhält Titelbild
S. Becker: The crystal structure of [Fe2(PIMIC6)(AnthCO2)(CH3CN)]·[Fe2(PIMIC6)(AnthCO2)(CH3CN)0.9(CH2Cl2)0.1]·[Fe2(PIMIC6)(AnthCO2)(OH2)]·0.75CH3CN: a crystallographer's nightmare or a fascinating case of disorder? Acta Cryst 2018, B74, 122, DOI:
11/2017 - TU-Nachwuchsring approves research funding
The TU-Nachwuchsring has approved €10,000 for the project “Photo-switchable fluorescence sensors for metal ion detection in neural systems”.