Links and jobs

Prof. Dr. Antonio Pierik


The Department of Chemistry (building 54) is located at the eastside of the campus of the TU Kaiserslautern, which is clamped between the city of Kaiserslautern (100,000 inhabitants) and the Palatine forest.

Learn more about the TU here

An interactive map of the campus is found here.

We are just an hour away from Frankfurt airport by car. By train you travel via Mannheim to Kaiserslautern. There is a direct train from and to Paris several times a day, and there are direct trains to Munich and Berlin once a day.


    Nucleospin Gel and PCR cleanup Macherey-Nagel

    Nucleospin Plasmid no lid DNA purification Macherey-Nagel

    RbCl Supercompetent E. coli

    E. colitransformation 020221

    Miniprep Birnboim and Doly


    2log DNA marker

    57Fe incorporation manual

    pETDuet-1 map


    Agarose Electrophoresis buffers

    Yeast DNA Preparation 201113

    Yeast Transformation 031113


    Preparation of yeast media 210714



    SDS-PAGE 220321

    Western blot 220321

    Protein, metals and acid-labile sulfide

    PD MiniTrap G-25 manual

    Gelfiltration 220520

    Protein markers

    Ammoniumsulfate saturation table

    Good's buffers

    IgG Sepharose CL-4B manual

    Protein A Sepharose CL-4B manual

    Quartz cuvette cleaning


    Molecular cloning handbook Genscript

    NEB molecular cloning

    BioRad better Western blotting



    Manual Bandelin Sonopuls HD2200 sonicator

    Manual Beckman Avanti J26XPI centrifuge

    Manual Beckman Optima LE-80K Ultracentrifuge

    Manual Coy glovebox

    Manual Coy setup

    Manual French press company

    Manual French Press our intro

    Manual Miele G7883

    Manual Perlin Elmer LS50B

    Manual Phoenix Timer relay with adjustable pulse and pause times  ETD-SL-2T-I

    Manual Retsch mixer mill MM400

    Manual Strep-Tactin Purification

    Manual transilluminator Ultrabright

    Links to various journals



    American Journal of Human Genetics

    Analytical Biochemistry

    Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.

    Applied and Environmental Microbiology

    Archives Biochemistry Biophysics

    Archives of Microbiology

    BBA Decoder

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

    Biochemical Journal


    Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry



    Chemical Communications

    Chemical Reviews

    Current Genetics

    Current Microbiology

    Current Opinion Cell Biology

    Current Opinion Structural Biology

    DNA Repair

    EJB and FEBS Journal

    EMBO Journal

    EMBO Reports

    FEBS Letters


    Genes & Development


    Journal of the American Chemical Society

    Journal of Bacteriology

    Journal of Biochemistry

    Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

    Journal of Biological Chemistry

    J Cell Science

    Journal of Chemical Physics

    Journal of Chemical Society

    Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

    Journal of Magnetic Resonance

    Journal of Molecular Biology

    Journal of Molecular Structure

    Journal of Organic Chemistry

    Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

    JSTOR access

    Liebigs Ann Chemie

    Methods in Enzymology


    Molecular Biology of the Cell

    Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Molecular Cell

    Molecular Microbiology

    Mol Gen Genet


    Nature Chemical Biology

    Nature Genetics

    Nature Methods

    Nature Protocols

    Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

    Nucl. Acids Res

    PLoS ONE

    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA




    Tetrahedron Letters

    Trends Biochemical Sciences

    Trends Cell Biology

    The Plant Journal



    Positions for HiWis, Bachelor, Master and Diplom students

    Contact Prof. Pierik by email to make an appointment. Our lab features subjects ranging from bioinformatics, classic protein biochemistry, (yeast) genetics, spectroscopy of metalloproteins to organic synthesis of (isotopically labelled) substrates.


    Hiring: Two PhD positions available

    Students who have demonstrated by their Master or Diplom thesis that they are keen on research should send an application letter and a full curriculum vitae as PDF files by email.


    Postdoc positions

    At the moment there is no funding for postdoc positions. But excellent PhD students who wish to postdoc in my lab should send an application letter, full curriculum vitae (including publications) as PDF with a detailed description how we could arrange hiring by external funding.