List of Publications

1. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, E. Herdtweck: "Chrom(III)- und Chrom(IV)-Komplexe der ∏-Aromatenreihe: Präparative und strukturchemische Aspekte", J. Organomet. Chem.1988, 353, 323-336.

2. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, E. Herdtweck: "Chlorination of Half-Sandwich Car­bonyl-Complexes: The Square-Pyramidal Cation [(η2-C6Et6)Mo(CO)3Cl]+", Poly­hedron1988, 7, 2027-2030.

3. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, E. Herdtweck: "Synthesen und Strukturen neuer Komplexe des 2,2'-Bipyridins mit Niob, Molybdän, Wolfram und Rhenium in hohen Oxidationsstufen", Chem. Ber.1990, 123, 271-276.

4. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, J. G. Kuchler: "Wasserlösliche Metallkomplexe und Katalysatoren IV, 2,2'-Bipyridin-5-sulfonsäure: Synthese, Reinigung, Derivate und Metallkomplexe", Chem. Ber.1990, 123, 1953-1961.

5. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, J. G. Kuchler, J. Behm, E. Herdtweck: "Wasser­lösliche Metallkomplexe und Katalysatoren V, 2,2'-Bipyridin-5-sulfonsäure und metallorganische Komplexe: Spektroskopie und Strukturchemie", Chem. Ber.1990, 123, 1963-1970.

6. W. R. Thiel, E. Herdtweck, J. Behm, P. Kiprof: "Substituted Bipyridines Coordination Chemistry with Transition Metals", Acta Cryst. 1990, 46A, C222-C223.

7. W. A Herrmann, F. Kühn, R. W. Fischer, W. R. Thiel, C. Romao: "Simple and Effi­cient Synthesis of Methyltrioxorhenium(VII) - A General Method", Inorg. Chem.1992, 31, 4431-4432.

8. W. R. Thiel: “Ein polymeres Metalloxid, neue Wege in der Materialforschung ?", GIT1992, 36, 1092-1092.

9. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, F. E. Kühn, R. W. Fischer, M. Kleine, E. Herdtweck, W. Scherer, J. Mink: "Multiple Bonds between Transition Metals and Main-Group Elements, 124. Structures and Reactivity of Acylperrhenates", Inorg. Chem.1993, 32, 5188-5194.

10. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, C. Broßmer, K. Öfele, T. Priermeier, W. Scherer: "(Dihalogenmethyl)palladium(II)-Komplexe aus Palladium(0)-Vorstufen des Diben-zylidenacetons: Synthese, Strukturchemie und Reaktivität", J. Organomet. Chem.1993, 461, 51-60.

11. F. Moulines, L. Djakovitch, R. Boese, B. Gloaguen, W. Thiel, J.-L. Fillaut, M.-H. Delville, D. Astruc: "Metallorganische molekulare Bäume als Mehrelektronen- und Mehrprotonenspeicher: CpFe+-induzierte Nonaallylierung von Mesitylen und pha­sentransferkatalysierte Synthese eines redoxaktiven Nonaeisen-Komplexes", Angew. Chemie1993, 105, 1132-1134; Angew. Chemie Int. Edt. Engl.1993, 32, 1075-1077.

12. W. R. Thiel, R. W. Fischer, W. A. Herrmann: "Methyltrioxorhenium(VII) als Oxida­tionskatalysator für Metallcarbonyle", J. Organomet. Chem.1993, 459, C9-C11.

13. W. A. Herrmann, W. R. Thiel, T. Priermeier, E. Herdtweck: "Phospholkomplexe des nullwertigen Palladiums", J. Organomet. Chem. 1994, 481, 253-258.

14. W. R. Thiel, M. Angstl, T. Priermeier: "Metallkatalysierte Oxidationen I: Substitu­ierte N,N-Chelat-Liganden. - Anwendungen in der molybdänkatalysierten Olefinep­oxidation", Chem. Ber. 1994, 127, 2373-2377.

15. A. Haaland, K. Rypdal, H. P. Verne, W. Scherer, W. R. Thiel: "The Crystal Structures of Base-Free Monomeric Arylcopper(I) and Arylsilver(I) Compounds; Two Cases of Mistaken Identity?" Angew. Chemie1994, 106, 2515-2517; Angew. Chemie Int. Edt. Engl.1994, 33, 2443-2445.

16. W. R. Thiel, M. Angstl, N. Hansen: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations II: Molybdenum Catalyzed Olefin Epoxidation in Unpolar Solvents", J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical1995, 103, 5-10.

17. W. R. Thiel, T. Priermeier: "Metallkatalysierte Oxidationen III: Die ersten olefinsub­stituierten Molybdänperoxo-Komplexe: Neue Hinweise auf den Mechanismus der molybdänkatalysierten Epoxidation von Olefinen", Angew. Chemie1995, 107, 1870-1872; Angew. Chemie Int. Edt. Engl.1995, 34, 1737-1738.

18. W. R. Thiel, T. Priermeier, T. Bog: "The First Chelating P,N-Dioxo-Ligand: Com­plexation of a MoO(O2)2-Fragment", J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1995, 1871-1872.

19. W. R. Thiel, T. Priermeier, D. Fiedler, A. M. Bond, M. R. Mattner: "Synthesis, Redox Chemistry and Solid State Structure of Bi- and Trinuclear Ferrocenyl-Substituted N-Alkylpyrazolyl Pyridine Complexes", J. Organomet. Chem.1996, 514, 137-147.

20. W. R. Thiel: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations IV: The Reaction of Molybdenumperoxo Complexes with Brønsted and Lewis Acids", Chem. Ber.1996, 129, 575-580.

21. I. Hatzopoulos, W. R. Thiel, H.-D. Brauer: "Photochemical Elimination of Singlet Oxygen from Oxodiperoxo Molybdenum Complexes with Aromatic N,N-Chelate Ligands", J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem.1997, 102, 151-155.

22. M. Barz, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel: "Ligands with Cycloalkane Backbones I: Kinetic Resolution of trans-2-(1-Pyrazolyl)cyclohexan-1-ol Catalyzed by Lipase B from Candida Antarctica", Tetrahedron Asymmetry1996, 7, 1717-1722.

23. W. R. Thiel: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations V: Catalytic Olefin Epoxidation with Seven-Coordinate Oxobisperoxo Molybdenum Complexes: A Mechanistic Study", J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical1997, 117, 449-454.

24. W. R. Thiel: "Molybdänperoxo-Komplexe als Epoxidationskatalysatoren: Neue Er­kenntnisse zum Reaktionsmechanismus", GIT1996, 10, 966-966.

25. C. L. Thurner, M. Barz, M. Spiegler, W. R. Thiel: "Ligands with Cycloalkane Back­bones II: Chelate Ligands from 2-(Diphenylphosphinyl)cyclohexanol: Syntheses and Transition Metal Complexes", J. Organomet. Chem.1997, 541, 39-49.

26. W. R. Thiel, J. Eppinger: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations VI: Molybdenum Catalyzed Olefin Epoxidation: Ligand Effects", Chemistry Eur. J.1997, 3, 696-705.

27. M. Barz, M. U. Rauch, W. R. Thiel: "Ligands with Cycloalkane Backbones III: New Schiff-Bases Derived from trans-Pyrazolylcyclohexanol: Synthesis, Coordination Chemistry and Structural Features", J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.1997, 2155-2161.

28. W. R. Thiel in "Transition Metals for Fine Chemicals and Organic Synthesis", M. Beller, C. Bolm (Hrsgb.), Bd. 2, S. 290-300, VCH, 1998.

29. H. Glas, M. Spiegler, W. R. Thiel: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations VII: Spectroscopic Evidence for Intramolecular MoVI(O2)···HO-C Hydrogen Bonding", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.1998, 1, 275-281.

30. C. L. Thurner, M. Barz, M. Spiegler, W. R. Thiel: "Ligands with Cycloalkane Backbones IV: The Solid State Structure of the S,S enantiomer of Dichloro[diphe­nyl(trans-2-(diphenylphosphinyl)cyclohexylphosphinate]palladium(II)", Acta Cryst. C1998, C54, 227-228.

31. M. Barz, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel: "Ligands with Cycloalkane Backbones V: Coor­dination Chemistry of trans-2-Pyrazol-1-ylcyclohexan-1-ol and Derivatives: Synthe­sis, Spectroscopic Features, and Solid State Structures if First and Second Row Transition Metal Complexes", Polyhedron1998, 17, 1121-1131.

32. H. Glas, E. Herdtweck, G. R. J. Artus, W. R. Thiel: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations VIII: Vanadium(V)alkoxo Complexes: Chlorination of a Pyrazole Ligand Coordinated to Vanadium(V)", Inorg. Chem.1998, 37, 3644-3646.

33. W. A. Herrmann, R. M. Kratzer, H. Ding, W. R. Thiel, H. Glas: "Methyltrioxorhe­nium/pyrazole - A highly efficient Catalyst for the Epoxidation of Olefins", J. Organo­metal. Chem.1998, 555, 293-295.

34. K. Kampke-Thiel, D. Lenoir, A. Kettrup, E. Herdtweck, D. Gleich, W. R. Thiel: "Isola­tion, Characterization and Toxicological Aspects of Volatile Organophosphorus Compounds from the Combustion of Flame Retarded Epoxi Resins with Phos­phonate Substructures", Chem. Eur. J.1998, 4, 1581-1586.

35. M. Barz, H. Glas, W. R. Thiel: "Ligands with Cycloalkane Backbones VI: A Series of Chiral 2-Pyrazolylcyclohexan-1-ols: Synthesis, Spectroscopic Features and Kinetic Resolution", Synthesis1998, 1269-1273.

36. M. Barz, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel: "Liganden mit Cycloalkanrückgrat VII: Über­gangsmetallkomplexe von Organoaziden: Synthese, Strukturchemie und Reaktivi­tät", Angew. Chemie1998, 110, 2380-2383; Angew. Chemie Int. Edt. Engl.1998, 37, 2262-2265.

37. H. Glas, W. R. Thiel: "Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Chiral Imidazolyl and Pyra­zolyl Alcohols", Tetrahedron Lett.1998, 39, 5509-5510.

38. W. R. Thiel in "ABC of Catalysis", W. A. Herrmann, B. Cornils (Hrsgb.), mehrere Beiträge, VCH, 2000.

39. W. R. Thiel, M. Wagner: "Trendbericht: Organometallchemie", Nachr. Chem. Tech. Lab.1999, 47, 124-130.

40. W. R. Thiel: "Neue Wege zu Wasserstoffperoxid: Alternativen zu etablierten Pro­zessen ?", Angew. Chemie1999, 111, 3349-3350; Angew. Chemie Int. Edt. Engl.1999, 38, 3157-3158.

41. A. Hroch, G. Gemmecker, W. R. Thiel: "Metal Catalyzed Oxidations IX: New In­sights into the Mechanism of Hydroperoxide Activation by Investigation of Dynamic Processes in the Coordination Sphere of Seven Coordinate Molybdenum Peroxo Complexes", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2000, 3, 1107-1114.

42. W. R. Thiel, M. Barz, H. Glas, A.-K. Pleier: "Olefin Epoxidation Catalyzed by Molyb­denum Peroxo Complexes: A Mechanistic Study" in "Peroxide Chemistry: Mecha­nistic and Preparative Aspects of Oxygen Transfer" (Hrsgb.: W. Adam), Wiley-VCH, S. 433-453, 2000.

43. H. Glas, M. Barz, W. R. Thiel, "Ligands with Cycloalkane Backbones XIII: Steric Effects in the Ligand Accelerated Enantioselective Alkylation of Benzaldehyde", J. Organometal. Chem.2001, 621, 153-157.

44. H. Glas, E. Herdtweck, M. Spiegler, W. R. Thiel, "Ligands with Cycloalkane Back­bones IX: A Simple Access to Palladium Complexes of Functionalized Heterocyclic Carbenes", J. Organometal. Chem.2001, 626, 100-105.

45. H. Glas, K. Köhler, P. Maas, E. Herdtweck, M. Spiegler, W. R. Thiel, "Pyrazolyl­cyclohexanol Complexes of Vanadium", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2001, 4, 2075-2080.

46. A.-K. Pleier, H. Glas, M. Grosche, P. Sirsch, W. R. Thiel, "Microwave Assisted Synthesis of 1-Aryl-3-dimethylaminoprop-2-enones: A Simple and Rapid Access to 3(5)-Arylpyrazoles", Synthesis2001, 55-62.

47. W. R. Thiel, "Molybdenum Peroxo Complexes as Catalysts in Olefin Epoxidation" in "Inorganic Chemistry Highlights" (Hrsgb.: G. Meyer, D. Naumann, L. Wesemann), Wiley VCH, S. 123-138, 2002.

48. W. R. Thiel, K. Krohn, "Zirconium Catalyzed Amine Oxidation: A Mechanistic Study", Chem. Eur. J.2002, 8, 1049-1058.

49. A.-K. Pleier, E. Herdtweck, S. A. Mason, W. R. Thiel, "1-Aryl-3-dimethylamino­propenones: New and Strong Proton Acceptors for Hydrogen Bonding", Eur. J. Org. Chem.2003, 499-506.

50. M. Jia, W. R. Thiel, "Oxodiperoxo Molybdenum Modified Mesoporous MCM-41 Materials for the Catalytic Epoxidation of Cyclooctene" Chem. Commun.2002, 2392-2393.

51. W. R. Thiel in "Transition Metals for Fine Chemicals and Organic Synthesis", M. Beller, C. Bolm (Hrsgb.), 2. Auflage, Bd. 2, S. 368-378, Wiley-VCH, 2003.

52. W. R. Thiel, "Transition Metal Mediated Oxygen Transfer to Organo Nitrogen Compounds", Coord. Chem. Rev.2003, 245, 95-106.

53. M. Jia, A. Seifert, W. R. Thiel, "Mesoporous MCM-41 Materials Modified with Oxodi­peroxo Molybdenum Complexes: Efficient Catalysts for the Epoxidation of Cyclo­octene", Chem. Mat.2003, 15, 2174-2180.

54. S. Spange, D. Kunzmann, R. Sens, I. Roth, A. Seifert, W. R. Thiel, "Solvatochromic Azamethine Dyes for Probing the Polarity of Gold Cluster Functionalized Silica Particles", Chem. Eur. J.2003, 9, 4161-4167.

55. H. Glas, A.-K. Pleier, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel, "2-(3-Ferrocenylpyrazol-1-yl)cyclo­hexanol: A New Building Block for Ferrocenyl Ligands", J. Organometal. Chem.2003, 684, 376-380.

56. M. Jia, A. Seifert, W. R. Thiel, "Sol-gel Synthesis of Oxodiperoxo Molybdenum Modified Organic-Inorganic Materials for the Catalytic Epoxidation of Cyclooctene", J. Catal.2004, 221, 319-324.

57. M. J. Hinner, M. Grosche, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel, "A Merrifield Resin Function­alized with Molybdenum Peroxo Complexes: Synthesis and Catalytic Properties", Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.2003, 629, 2251-2257.

58. W. R. Thiel, "On the Way to a New Class of Catalysts – High Valent Transition Metal Complexes Catalyzing Reducing Reactions", Angew. Chemie2003, 115, 5548-5550. Angew. Chemie Int. Edt. Engl.2003, 42, 5390-5392.

59. M. Jia, A. Seifert, M. Berger, H. Giegengack, S. Schulze, W. R. Thiel, "Hybrid Me­soporous Materials with a Uniform Ligand Distribution: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Epoxidation Catalysts", Chem. Mat.2004, 16, 877-893.

60. W. R. Thiel, "Hydrogen evolution from peroxides - A concerted reaction", Eur. J. Org. Chem.2004, 3108-3112.

61. S. Gemming, M. Schreiber, W. Thiel, T. Heine, G. Seifert, H. A. de Abreu, H. A. Duarte, "Tunable discotic building blocks for liquid crystalline displays", J. Luminescence2004, 108, 143-147.

62. M. J. Hinner, W. R. Thiel, "A synthetic approach to pyrazole functionalized poly­styrene", Polymer Bull.2004, 53, 19-24.

63. Y. Sun, M. Ahmed, R. Jackstell, M. Beller, W. R. Thiel: "Phosphine Ligands Bearing Donor Sites for the Binding of Lewis Acids: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Homogeneous Catalysis", Organometallics, 2004, 23, 5260-5267.

64. S. Spange, S. Prause, E. Vilsmeier, W. R. Thiel: "Probing Surface Basicity with an Aminobenzofurandione Dye as the Solvatochromic Probe", J. Phys. Chem. B.2005, 109, 7280-7289.

65. K. Rößler, T. Kluge, A. Schubert, Y. Sun, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel: "Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution of 2-(3(5)-Pyrazolyl)pyridine: A Novel Access to Multidentate Chelate Ligands", Z. Naturforsch.2004, 59b, 1253-1264.

66. M. Al-Anber, S. Vatsadze, R. Holze, H. Lang, W. R. Thiel: "π-Conjugated N-Hetero­cyclic Compounds: Correlation of Computational and Electrochemical Data", J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans.2005, 3632-3637.

67. S. Vatsadze, M. Al-Anber, W. R. Thiel, H. Lang, R. Holze: "Electrochemical Studies and Semiempirical Calculations on π-Conjugated Dienones and Heterocyclic Nitro­gen Containing Donor Ligand Molecules", J. Solid State Electrochem.2005, 9, 764-777.

68. Y. Sun, A. Hienzsch, J. Grasser, E. Herdtweck, W. R. Thiel: "Novel Phosphine Li­gands bearing 3(5)-Pyrazolyl and 4-(2-Amino)pyrimidinyl Groups: Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry", J. Organometal. Chem.2006, 691, 291-298.

69. Y. Suzuki, O. D. Gordan, S. D. Silaghi, A. Schubert, W. R. Thiel, C. Cobet, N. Es­ser, W. Braun, D. R. T. Zahn: "Strong Changes in the Dielectric Functions of Cyto­sine upon Molecular Modification", Appl. Phys. Lett.2005, 87, 214101/1-214101/3.

70. S. Vatsadze, M. Al-Anber, R. Holze, W. Thiel, H. Lang: “Electrochemical Studies and Semiempirical Calculations on ∏-Conjugated Dienones and Related Com­pounds, in Proceedings of the Sixth International M. Baizer Award Symposium in Honor of Dennis H. Evans and Masao Tokuda - Analytical Mechanistic and Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry (Hrsg.: J. Lessard, P. Hapiot, I. Nishiguchi ), PV 2004-10, S. 197-201, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, USA, 2004.

71. W. R. Thiel: “A DFT Study on the Decomposition of Semi Peracetals”, J. Mol. Catal.2006, 251, 229-233.

72. A. Bohle, A. Schubert, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “A New Metal Free Access to Vitamin K3”, Adv. Synth. Catal.2006, 348, 1011-1015.

73. Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “3(5)-Pyrazolyl Substituted Triphenylphosphines as Ligands for the Palladium Catalyzed Heck Reaction”, Inorg. Chim. Acta2006, 359, 4807-4810.

74. A. Reis, Y. Sun, G. Wolmershäuser, W. R. Thiel, “Supramolecular Structures by Hydrogen Binding: The Solid State Structure of Tris(3-(3-dimethylamino-1-oxoprop-2-enyl)phenyl)phosphine oxide”, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2007, 777-781.

75. F. Pammer, Y. Sun, C. May, G. Wolmershäuser, H. Kelm, H.-J. Krüger, W. R. Thiel, “Dibenzo[c,g]fluorene, the Combination of Cyclopentadiene and 1,1’-Binaphthyl in one Ligand”, Angew. Chemie2007, 119, 1293-1296; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2007, 46, 1270-1273.

76. L. J. Gooßen, W. R. Thiel, N. Rodríguez, C. Linder, “Cu-Catalyzed Protodecarboxy­lation of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids”, Adv. Synth. Catal.2007, 349, 2241-2246.

77. S. Bergner, G. Wolmershäuser, H. Kelm, W. R. Thiel, “Hydrogen binding in Coordi­nation Compounds of 3(5)-(4-Methoxyphenyl)pyrazole“, Inorg. Chim. Acta2008, 361, 2059-2069.

78. A.-K. Pleier, Y. Sun, A. Schubert, D. Zabel, C. May, A. Reis, G. Wolmershäuser, W. R. Thiel, “Novel Phosphorous and Nitrogen Donor Ligands Bearing Secondary Functionalities for Applications in Homogeneous Catalysis“, in „Sekundäre Wech­selwirkungen als Steuerungsprinzip zur gerichteten Funktionalisierung reaktionsträ­ger Substrate“ (Hrsgb.: C. Bolm, E. Hahn), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008.

79. F. Pammer, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Group VI Allyl Complexes of Dibenzo[c,g]fluo­renide”, Organometallics2008, 27, 1015-1018.

80. F. Pammer, Y. Sun, M. Pagels, D. Weismann, H. Sitzmann, W. R. Thiel, „Diben­zo[c,g]fluorenideiron: a Metallorganic Relative to Pentahelicene“, Angew. Chemie2008, 120, 3315-3318; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2008, 47, 3271-3274.

81. D. Sanz, R. M. Claramunt, I. Alkorta, J. Elguero, W. R. Thiel, T. Rüffer, “A Theo­retical and Experimental NMR Study of the Tautomerism of two Phenylene-bis-C-Substituted Pyrazoles, New J. Chem.2008, 32, 2225-2232.

82. T. G. Gopakumar, H. Tang, W. R. Thiel, M. Hietschold, “Self-Repairing” Porous Network Structure of Octacyano-Metal-Free Phthalocyanine on the Basal Plane of HOPG”, J. Phys. Chem.2008, 112, 7698–7705.

83. Z. Zhou, A. W. Franz, M. Hartmann, A. Seifert, T. J. J. Müller, W. R. Thiel, “Novel Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials by Covalent Anchoring of Phenothiazines on MCM-41“, Chem. Mater.2008, 20, 4986-4992.

84. D. Zabel, A. Schubert, G. Wolmershäuser, R. L. Jones Jr, W. R. Thiel, “Iron and Cobalt Complexes of Tridentate N-Donor Ligands in Ethylene Polymerization: Efficient shielding of the active sites by simple phenyl groups“, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2008, 3648-3654.

85. C. Czauderna, H. Wurziger, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Trifluoromethylphenyl Palladi­um(II) Complexes: Synthesis and Characterization“, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.2008, 634, 2380-2384.

86. W. R. Thiel, “Organoazides and Transition Metals” in “Organic Azides: Syntheses and Applications” (Edt: S. Bräse und K. Banert), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008.

87. Z. Zhou, Q. Meng, A. Seifert, A. Wagener, Y. Sun, S. Ernst, Werner R. Thiel, “Hybrid Mesoporous Materials Containing Covalently Anchored N-Phenylthiazolium Salts as Organo Catalysts”, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater.2009, 121, 145-151.

88.T. Jozak, M. Fischer, J. Thiel, Y. Sun, H. Kelm, W. R. Thiel, “A series of novel N,N-donor ligands with binaphthyl backbones”, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2009, 1445-1452.

89. S. Shylesh, M. Jia, A. Seifert, S. Adappa, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, “Enhanced catalytic activity and stability of oxodiperoxo molybdenum modified mesoporous organosilicas in selective epoxidation reactions”, New J. Chem.2009, 33, 717-719.

90. W. Lei, A. Reis, A. Seifert, T. Philippi, S. Ernst, M. Jia, W. R. Thiel, “A Simple Pro­cedure for the Covalent Grafting of Triphenylphosphine Ligands on Silica: Appli­cation in the Palladium Catalyzed Suzuki Reaction”, Dalton Trans.2009, 3315–3320.

91. A. W. Franz, Z. Zhou, R. Turdean, A. Wagener, B. Sarkar, M. Hartmann, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, T. J. J. Müller, “Carbamate-linked (Oligo)phenothiazines in Mesoporous Silica by Post-synthetic Grafting – Fluorescent Redox Active Hybrid Materials ”, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2009, 3895-3905.

92. C. K. Seubert, Y. Sun, Werner R. Thiel, “A facile access to a novel two dentate enantiomerically pure P,N-donor ligand“, Dalton Trans.2009, 4971-4977.

93. N. Kuhn, S. Eimer, G. Hornung, Werner Thiel, „Waschmittelanalyse mit Hilfe ana­lytischer Nachweisverfahren“, Math. Naturwiss. Unterr. 2009, 62, 231-236.

94. S. Shylesh, J. Schweitzer, S. Demeshko, V. Schünemann, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, „Fabrication of Nanoparticle Supported, Magnetically Recoverable Oxodiperoxo Molybdenum Complexes: Efficient Catalysts for Selective Epoxidation Reactions“, Adv. Synth. Catal.2009, 351, 1789-1795.

95. S. Shylesh, A. Wagner, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, „Co-operative Acid-Base Effects by Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles – Applcations in Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Reactions“, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 7052-7062.

96. J. Tang, L. Wang, G. Liu, Y. Liu, G. Zhao, W. Zhang, M. Jia, W. R. Thiel, Mesopo­rous SBA-15 Materials Modified with Oxodiperoxo Tungsten Complexes: “Efficient Catalysts for the Epoxidation of Olefins with Hydrogen Peroxide”, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical2009, 313, 31-37.

97. S. Shylesh, A. Wagener, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, „Mesoporous Organo­silicas with an Acidic Framework and Basic Pores: A Successful System for Co-operative Catalytic Reactions”, Angew. Chemie2009, 121, 188-191; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2009, 48, 184-187.

98. F. Pammer, Y. Sun, D. Weismann, H. Sitzmann, W. R. Thiel, „Exploring the concept of aromaticity on complexes of a fourfold benzannulated Cp-ligand”, Chem. Eur. J.2010, 16, 1265-1270.

99. D. Dehe, C. Lothschütz, W. R. Thiel, „Novel Pyrazole Functionalized Phthalocyan­ines and their First Row Transition Metal Complexes, New J. Chem. 2010, 34, 526-532.

100. C. May, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Synthetic access to a novel binaphthyl ligand bearing a phosphine and a triazole donor site”, Z. Naturforsch. B2009, 64b, 1438-1448.

101. S. Shylesh, L. Wang, W. R. Thiel, “Palladium(II)phosphine Complexes Supported on Magnetic Nanoparticles: Filtration-Free Recyclable Catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions”, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2010, 352, 425-432.

102. S. Shylesh, V. Schünemann, W. R. Thiel, „Magnetically Separable Nanocatalysts: Bridges Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis”, Angew. Chemie2010, 122, 3504-3537; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3428-3459.

103. S. Shylesh, J. Schweizer, R. Ulber, W. R. Thiel, V. Schünemann, „Mössbauer spectroscopy on superparamagnetic nanoparticles used as catalyst supports for the production of fine chemicals“, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.2010, 217, 012024.

104. Z. Zhou, A. W. Franz, S. Bay, B. Sarkar, A. Seifert, P. Yang, A. Wagener, S. Ernst, M. Pagels, T. J. J. Müller, W. R. Thiel, „Redox Active Mesoporous Hybrid Materials by In situ Syntheses with Urea-linked Triethoxysilylated Phenothiazines“, Chem. Asian J.2010, 5, 2001-2015.

105. S. Shylesh, A. Wagener, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, „Bifunctional Mesoporous Materials with Co-existing Acidic and Basic Sites for C-C Bond Forming in Co-operative Catalytic Reactions”, ChemCatChem2010, 2, 1231-1234.

106. L. Wang, M. Jia, S. Shylesh, T. Philippi, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, A. P. Singh, W. R. Thiel, “A Covalently Immobilized Triphenylphosphine Rhodium Complex: Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Catalytic Olefin Hydrogenation”, ChemCatChem2010, 2, 1477–1482.

107. S. Shylesh, M. Jia, W. R. Thiel, “Recent progress in the heterogenization of complexes for single-site expoxidation catalysis”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2010, 4395-4410.

108. T. Jozak, D. Zabel, A. Schubert, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Ruthenium complexes bearing N-H acidic pyrazole ligands”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2010, 32, 5135-5145.

109. S. Shylesh, L. Wang, S. Demeshko, W. R. Thiel, “Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous Magnetic Nanocomposites and their Catalytic Application in Carbon-Carbon Coupling Reactions”, ChemCatChem2010, 2, 1543-1547.

110. S. Shylesh, Z. Zhou, Q. Meng, A. Wagener, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, „Sustainable, green protocols for heterogenized organocatalysts: N-Phenylthiazolium salts heterogenized on organic-inorganic hybrid mesoporous supports“, J. Mol. Catal. A2010, 332, 65-69.

111. T. Jozak, Y. Sun, Y. Schmitt, S. Lebedkin, M. Kappes, M. Gerhards, W. R. Thiel, “Novel hexanuclear group 11 pyrazolate complexes: synthesis and photophysical features”, Chem. Eur. J.2011, 17, 3384-3389.

112. F. Pammer, Y. Sun, M. Sieger, J. Fiedler, B. Sarkar, W. R. Thiel, „A Cobaltociunium Complex of Dibenzo[c,g]fluorenide and its Structural and Electrochemical Properties”, Organometallics2010, 29, 6165-6168.

113. S. Shylesh, W. R. Thiel, “Bifunctional Acid-Base Co-operativity in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions: Advances in Silica Supported Organic Functional Groups”, ChemCatChem2011, 3, 278-287.

114. D. Dehe, I. Munstein, A. Reis, Werner R. Thiel, "Mild Transition Metal-Free Amination of Fluoroarenes Catalyzed by Fluoride Ions”, J. Org. Chem.2011, 76, 1151-1154.

115. C. K. Seubert, Y. Sun, Y. Lan, A. Powell, W. R. Thiel, “From a simple pyrazole derived 1,2-aminoalcohol to mono- and multinuclear complexes by tailoring hydrogen bond patterns”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2011, 1768-1775.

116. K. Muller, A. Schubert, T. Jozak, A. Ahrens-Botzong, V. Schünemann, W. R. Thiel, „Electronic Effects in the Catalytic Hydrosilylation with In-Situ Iron(II)-Catalysts”, ChemCatChem2011, 3, 887-892.

117. F. Pammer, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Dbf-Ruthenocenes: towards chiral halfsandwich Lewis acidic Dbf complexes”, Inorg. Chim. Acta 2011, 374, 205-210.

118. J. Du, J. Yu, J. Tang, J. Wang, W. Zhang, W. R. Thiel, M. Jia, “Hydrogen-Bonds and π-π Interactions Directed Supramolecular Assemblies Based on N-Heterocyclic Ligand-Modified β-Octamolybdate: Structure and Catalytic Application in Olefin Epoxidation”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 2361-2365.

119. T. Jozak, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Synthesis, Characterization and Co-ordination Chemistry of Dioxolanedipyrazoles”, New. J. Chem. 2011, 35, 2114-2122.

120. M. Hemgesberg, G. Dörr, Y. Schmitt, A. Seifert, Z. Zhou, R. Klupp Taylor, S. Bay, S. Ernst, M. Gerhards, T. J. J.Müller, W. R. Thiel, “Novel Acridone-Modified MCM-41 Type Silica: Synthesis, Characterization and Fluorescence Tuning”, Beilstein J. Nanotech. 2011, 2, 284-292.

121. L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, S. Farsadpour, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Novel N,N,N-Donors Giving Highly Active Ruthenium Catalysts for Transfer Hydrogenation at Room Temperature”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 3431-3437.

122. S. Farsadpour, L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Small substituents make large differences: aminopyrimidinyl phosphines undergoing C-H activation”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 4603–4609.

123. A. Reis, D. Dehe, S. Farsadpour, I. Munstein, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Fluoride Cata­lyzed P-Aryl-Coupling – a Mild Approach to Functionalized Arylphosphines”, New J. Chem. 2011, 35, 2488-2495.

124. J. Tang, Y. Zu, W. Huo, L. Wang, J. Wang, M. Jia, W. Zhang, W. R. Thiel, „Meso­porous SBA-15 modified with manganese pyrazolylpyridine complexes for the cata­lytic epoxidation of terminal alkenes”, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 2012, 355, 201-209.

125. S. Farsadpour, L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, S. Shylesh, G. Dörr, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, “A Covalently Supported Pyrimidinylphosphane Palladacycle as Hetero­genized Catalyst for the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross Coupling”, ChemCatChem2012, 3, 395-400.

126. L. Wang, S. Shylesh, D. Dehe, T. Philippi, G. Dörr, A. Seifert, Z. Zhou, M. Hart­mann, R. N. Klupp Taylor, M. Jia, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, “Covalent Immobilization of Imidazolium Cations inside a Silica Support: A Way to a Highly Active and Selective Palladium Catalyst for Olefin Hydrogenation”, ChemCatChem. 2012, 3, 401-407.

127. M. Hemgesberg, S. Schütz, C. Müller, M. Schlörholz, H. Latzel, Y. Sun, C. Ziegler, W. R. Thiel, „Ultra-fast photo-patterning of hydroxamic acid layers adsorbed on TiAlN: The challenge of modelling thermally induced desorption“, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2012, 259, 406-415.

128. L. Wang, D. Dehe, T. Philippi, A. Seifert, S. Ernst, Z. Zhou, R. N. Klupp Taylor, M. Jia, W. R. Thiel, „Electrostatic Grafting of a Triphenylphosphine Sulphonate on SBA-15: Application in Palladium Catalyzed Hydrogenation“, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2012, 2, 1188-1195. 

129. M. Hemgesberg, D. M. Ohlmann,Y. Schmitt, M. R. Wolfe, M. K. Müller, B. Erb, Y. Sun, L. J. Gooßen, M. Gerhards, W. R. Thiel, “A Simple Access to Sol-Gel Precur­sors Bearing Fluorescent Aromatic Core Units,” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 2142-2151.

130. K. S. M. Salih, W. R. Thiel, “Palladium Catalyzed Coupling Reactions with Magneti­cally Separable Nanocatalysts”, in “Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions - Practical Aspects and Future Developments” (Hrsgb.: Á. Molnár), Wiley-VCH, 2013.

131. S. Sisodiya, A. Lazar, S. Shylesh, L. Wang, W. R. Thiel, A. P. Singh, Covalently Anchored Ruthenium-Phosphine Complex on Mesoporous Organosilica: Catalytic Applications in Hydrogenation Reactions, Catal. Commun. Catal. Commun., 2012, 25, 22-27.

132. V. Vetokhina, K. Dobek, M. Kijak, I. I. Kamińska, K. Muller, W. R. Thiel, J. Waluk, J. Herbich, „Three modes of proton transfer in one chromophore: photoinduced tauto­merization in 2-(1H-pyrazol-5-yl)pyridines, their dimers and alcohol complexes“, ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 3661-3771.

133. É. J. Kibrik, G. Scherr, W. R. Thiel, H. Hasse, “13C, gCOSY(13C,13C) NMR and ESI-MS Characterization of Ether-Bridged Condensation Products in N,N’-Dimethylurea-Formaldehyde Systems, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2013, 128, 3957-3963.

134. É. J. Kibrik, O. Steinhof, G. Scherr, W. R. Thiel, H. Hasse, Proof of Ether-bridged Condensation Products in UF Resins by 2D NMR Spectroscopy, J. Polym. Res., 2013, 20, 79-79.

135. K. S. M. Salih, P. Mamone, G. Dörr, T. O. Bauer, A. Brodyanski, C. Wagner, M. Kopnarski, S. Ernst, V. Schünemann, R. Klupp Taylor, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, L. J. Gooßen, W. R. Thiel, „A Facile Synthesis of Monodisperse Maghemite and Ferrite Nanoparticles from Metal Powder and Octanoic Acid”, Chem. Mater. 2013, 25, 1430-1435.

136. E. Keceli, M. Hemgesberg, S. Bay, C. Wilhelm, Y. Sun, S. Ernst, Thomas J. J. Müller, W. R. Thiel, „Efficient Conversion of Arylene Precursors into Photolumines­cent Phosphonates for Surface Modification of Metal Oxides“, Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 6344-6352.

137. K. Muller, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Ruthenium(II) Phosphite Complexes as Catalysts for the Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide”, ChemCatChem 2013, 5, 1340-1343.

138. K. Muller, Yu Sun, A. Heimermann, F. Menges, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, C. van Wüllen, W. R. Thiel, „Structure-Reactivity Relationships in the Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide with Ruthenium Complexes Bearing Pyridinylazolato Ligands“, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 7825-7834.

139. M. Hemgesberg, S. Bay, S. Schütz, G. Dörr, S. Ernst, W. Kowalsky, T. J. J. Müller, G. Wagenblast, W. R. Thiel, „Fluorogels: A One Pot Approach on Photoluminescent Glasses Doped with Covalently Bound Organic Chromophores”, Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2013, 174, 1-9.

140. M. Hemgesberg, B. Bayarmagnai, N. Jacobs, S. Bay, S. Follmann, C. Wilhelm, Z. Zhou, M. Hartmann, T. J. J. Müller, S. Ernst, G. Wittstock, W. R. Thiel, „Structurally stressed PT09SBA: A close look at the properties of large pore photoluminescent, redox active mesoporous hybrid silica“, RSC Adv. 2013, 3, 8242-8253.

141. M. Golecki, J. Lach, A. Jeremies, F. Lungwitz, M. Fronk, G. Salvan, D. R. T. Zahn, J. Park, Y. Krupskaya, V. Kataev, R. Klingeler, B. Büchner, B. Mahns, M. Knupfer, P. F. Siles, D. Grimm, O. G. Schmidt, A. Reis, W. R. Thiel, D. Breite, B Abel, B. Kersting, „Chemisorption of Exchange-Coupled [Ni2L(dppba)]+ Complexes on Gold via Ambidentate 4-(Diphenylphosphino)benzoate Coligands, Chem. Eur. J.Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 7787-7801.

142. F. Rajabi, J. Trampert, Y. Sun, M. Busch, S. Bräse, W. R. Thiel, “Synthesis and Characterization of a 4-Nitrophenyl Functionalized NHC Ligand and its Palladium(II) Complex”, J. Organometal. Chem. 2013, 744, 101-107.

143. L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, C. Kerner, S. Farsadpour, F. Menges, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, “C-H Activation at a ruthenium(II) complex: The key step for a base free catalytic transfer hydrogenation”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 4305-4317.

144. M. Busch, M. Cayir, M. Nieger, W. R. Thiel, S. Bräse, „Roadmap towards novel N-heterocyclic [2.2]paracyclophanes“, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 6108-6123.

145. S. P. Sarish, D. Schaffner, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Evidence for the Formation of a Metal Alkyl Intermediate in the Zinc Mediated Interamolecular Hydroamination”, Chem. Commun.2013, 9672-9674.

146. F. Pammer, W. R. Thiel, “Benzannulated homologues of cyclopentadienide as ligands in organometallic chemistry”, Coord. Chem. Rev. accepted.

147. E. Keceli, M. Hemgesberg, R. Grünker, V. Bon, C. Wilhelm, T. Philippi, R. Schoch, Y. Sun, M. Bauer, S. Ernst, S. Kaskel, Werner R. Thiel, “A Series of Amide Func­tionalized Isoreticular Metal Organic Frameworks”, Micropor. Mesopor Mater. accepted.

148. K. S. M. Salih, S. Bergner, H. Kelm, Y. Sun, A. Grün, Y. Schmitt, R. Schoch, M. Busch, N. Deibel, S. Bräse, B. Sarkar, M. Bauer, M. Gerhards, W. R. Thiel, “Trinuc­lear Diamagnetic Nickel(II) Complexes Bridged by 3-Arylpyrazolato Ligands”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2013, 6049-6059.

149.  F. Rajabi, W. R. Thiel, “A Highly Efficient Palladium NHC Catalyst Allowing the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling of Arylchlorides and Arylboronic Acids at Room Temperature in Aqueous Solution”, Adv. Synth. Catal. in press.

150. C. Sarcher, S. Farsadpour, L. Taghizadeh Goochany, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, P. W. Roesky, “Gold(I) Complexes with Aromatic P,N-Ligands”, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 2397-2405.

151. A. Lazar, W. R. Thiel, A. P. Singh, Synthesis and characterization of 3-[N,N’-bis-3-(salicylidenamino)ethyltriamine]Mo(VI)O2@SBA-15: A highly stable and reusable catalyst for epoxidation and sulfoxidation reactions, RSC Advances2014, 4, 14063-14073.

152. D. Imanbaew, Y. Nosenko, C. Kerner, K. Chevalier, F. Rupp, C. Riehn, W.R. Thiel, R. Diller, “Excited-state dynamics of a ruthenium(II) catalyst studied by transient photofragmentation in gas phase and transient absorption in solution”, Chem. Phys. 2014, 442, 53-61.

153. C. Sarcher, S. Farsadpour, L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, P. W. Roesky, "Mono- and Bimetallic Complexes of the Group 10 Metals with N-Heteroaryl Phosphine Ligands", J. Organometal. Chem. 2014, 758, 29-35.

154. J. Wang, Y. Zou, Y. Sun, M. Hemgesberg, D. Schaffner, H. Gao, X. Song, W. Zhang, M. Jia, W. R. Thiel, "Electrostatic Immobilization of Phosphomolybdic Acid on Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas on an Imidazolium Cations Containing Framework for the Catalytic Olefin Epoxidation", Chin. J. Catal. 2014, 4, 532-539.

155. É. J. Kibrik, O. Steinhof, G. Scherr, W. R. Thiel, H. Hasse, „On-line NMR Spectro­scopic Reaction Kinetic Study of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Synthesis”, Ind. Engin. Chem. Res. Ind. Engin. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 12602-12613.

156. A. Scheithauer, T. Grützner, C. Rijksen, D. Zollinger, E. von Harbou, W. R. Thiel, H. Hasse, “A NMR Spectroscopic Study of the Aldoxane Formation in Aqueous Acet­aldehyde Solutions”, Ind. Engin. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 8395–8403.

157. F. C. Falk, P. Oechsle, W. R. Thiel, C.-G. Danilluc, J. Paradies, “Electronically Am­phiphilic Bisphosphines for the Amidation of Aryl Chlorides: A Kinetic Study”, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 3637-3645.

158. S.-F. Hsu, S. Rommel, P. Eversfield, K. Muller, E. Klemm, W. R. Thiel, B. Plietker, “Catalysis becomes energetic: A rechargeable CO2-neutral H2-battery”, Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 7194-7198; Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 7074-7078.

159. M. Cayir, L. Taghizadeh Goochany, A. Walli, M. Busch, Y. Sun, F. Meyer, S. Bräse, W. R. Thiel, “C-H Activation at a Bidentate Ligand coordinated to Palladium(II): an Electrophilic Attack Supported by an External Base”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 2618–2624.

160.  P. Zimmer, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Cationic Isonitrile Complexes of the CpFe(CO)2 Fragment”, J. Organomet. Chem.2014, 774, 12-18.

161. S. P. Walg, A. D. Schmidt, M. Schmitz, S. Farsadpour, J. Lang, M. Niebergall, Y. Sun, P. Roesky, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, “P,C-Bond Cleavage in the Ligand Sphere of a Nickel(II) Complex”, Dalton Trans.2015, 44, 1317-1322.

162. C. Wilhelmi, M. Gaffga, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, „A novel Bifunctional Ligand for the Synthesis of Polynuclear Alkynyl Complexes”, Zeitschr. Naturforsch. B2014, 69b, 1290-1298.

163. D. Dehe, L. Wang, M. K. Müller, G. Dörr, Z. Zhou, R. N. Klupp Taylor, Y. Sun, S. Ernst, M. Hartmann, M. Bauer, W. R. Thiel, „A Rhodium Triphenylphosphine Cata­lyst for Alkene Hydrogenation Supported on Neat Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”, ChemCatChem2015, 7, 127-136.

164. A. Scheithauer, A. Brächer, T. Grützner, D. Zollinger, W. R. Thiel, E. von Harbou, H. Hasse, "Online 1H-NMR Spectroscopic Study of Reaction Kinetics in Mixtures of Acetaldehyde and Water using a New Micro-Reactor Probe Head", Ind. Engin. Chem. Res.2014, 53, 17589-17596.

165. A. Scheithauer, T. Grützner, C. Rijksen, D. Zollinger, E. von Harbou, W. R. Thiel, H. Hasse, 1H- and 13C-NMR Spectroscopic Study of Chemical Equilibria in the System Acetaldehyde + Water, AIChE Journal, 2015, 61, 177-187.

166. D. Imanbaew, Y. Nosenko, K. Chevalier, F. Rupp, C. Kerner, F. Breher, W. R. Thiel, R. Diller, C. Riehn, “Excited-state dynamics of catalytically active transition metal complexes studied by transient photofragmentation in gas phase and transient absorption in solution”, Proc. XIXth Conf. Ultrafast Phenom.2015, 162, 378-381.

167. F. Rajabi, D. Schaffner, S. Follmann, C. Wilhelm, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, “Electro­static Grafting of a Pd-NHC Catalyst on a Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica and its Application in the Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction”, ChemCatChem2015, 7, 3513-3518.

168. M. Fingerle, M. Hemgesberg, Y. Schmitt, S. Lach, M. Gerhards, W. R. Thiel, C. Ziegler, “Photoemission Studies on N-Substituted Dithienylated Phenothiazines“, ChemPhysChem2015, 16, 1996-2005.

169. A. D. Schmidt, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “Coordination of Nickel(II) by 3-(2-(Diphenyl­phosphino)phenyl)-1H-pyrazole”, Z. Allg. Anorg. Chem. 2015, 641, 2093-2101.

170. D. Hackenberger, B. Song, M. F. Grünberg, S. Farsadpour, F. Menges, H. Kelm, C. Groß, T. Wolff, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, L. J. Gooßen, „Bimetallic Cu/Pd Catalysts with Bridging Aminopyrimidinyl Phosphines for Low-Temperature Decarboxylative Cross-Couplings”, ChemCatChem 2015, 7, 3579-3588.

171. M. Gaffga, I. Munstein, P. Müller, J. Lang, W. R. Thiel, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, „Multi state mediated rearrangements and FeCl2 elimination in dinuclear FePd complexes“, J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 12587-12598.

172. J.-Y. Chung, C. Schulz, H. Bauer, Y. Sun, H. Sitzmann, H. Auerbach, A. J. Pierik, V. Schünemann, A. Neuba, W. R. Thiel, „The Novel Cyclopentadienide Ligand CpC- Possessing Intrinsic Helical Chirality and its Ferrocene Analogues”, Organometallics 2015, 34, 5374-5382.

173. M. Fingerle, M. Hemgesberg, S. Lach, W. R. Thiel, C. Ziegler, „Symmetrically sub­stituted phenothiazine as prospective candidate for UV responsive dye sensitized solar cells”, Thin Solid Films 2015, 591, 8-12.

174. Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, “D-H∙∙∙X Contacts Performed by N-Heterocycles: a Practical View”, Acta Crystallogr. A2011, A67, C664-C665.

175. J. Marx, H. Huang, K. S. M. Salih, W. R. Thiel, V. Schünemann, „Spin canting in ferrite nanoparticles”, Hyperfine Interact.2016; 237, DOI:10.1007/s10751-016-1241-5.

176. J. Lang, M. Cayir, S. P. Walg, P. Di Martino-Fumo, W. R. Thiel, Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, “Inter metallic competition in the fragmentation of trimetallic Au-Zn-alkali complexes”, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 2345-2355.

177. T. R. Eger, I. Munstein, A. Steiner, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, “New Cationic Organometallic Phosphane Ligands and their Coordination to Gold(I)”, J. Organometal. Chem.2016, 810, 51-56.


178. C. Kerner, S.-D. Straub, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, „A rapid and additive-free ruthenium-catalyzed reductive amination of aromatic aldehydes”, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2016, 3060–3064.

179. J.-Y. Chung, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel, „Titanium(IV) complexes bearing the CpC- ligand”, J. Organometal. Chem. 2017, 829, 31-36.

180. C. Kerner, J. Lang, M. Gaffga, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, „Mech­anistic Studies on the Ruthenium(II) Catalyzed Base-free Transfer Hydrogenation Triggered by a Roll-over Cyclometallation”, Chempluschem 2017, 82, 212-224.

181. T. R. Eger, I. Munstein, A. Steiner, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, “New Cationic Organometallic Phosphane Ligands and their Coordination to Gold(I)”, J. Organometal. Chem. 2016, 821, 130-135 (Reprint).

182. F. Menges, J. Lang, Y. Nosenko, C. Kerner, M. Gaffga, L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, W. R. Thiel, C. Riehn, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, “Exploring the Gas Phase Activation and Reactivity of a Ruthenium Transfer Hydrogenation Catalyst by Experiment and Theory in Concert", J. Phys. Chem. A 2017, 121, 4422–4434.

183. C. Kerner, J. P. Neu, M. Gaffga, J. Lang, B. Oelkers, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatte­burg, W. R. Thiel, “Gas-phase reactivity of Cp* Group IX metal complexes bearing aromatic N,N’-chelating ligands”, New J. Chem. 2017, 41, 6995-7006.

184. B. Schäfgen, O. D. Malter, E. Kaigarula, A. Schüßler, S. Ernst, W. R. Thiel, “A Brønsted acid functionalized periodic mesoporous organosilica and its application in catalytic condensation and THP protection/deprotection reactions”, Micropor. Meso­por. Mater. 2017, 251, 122-128.

185. R. Behrens, E. von Harbou, Werner R. Thiel, W. Böttinger, H. Hasse, „Monoalkyl­carbonate formation in MDEA-H2O-CO2“, Ind. Engin. Chem. Res. 2017, 56, 9006-9015.

186. S. V. Kruppa, F. Bäppler, W. Klopper, S. P. Walg, W. R. Thiel, R. Diller, C. Riehn, “Ultrafast excited-state relaxation of a binuclear Ag(I) phosphine complex in gas phase and solution”, PhysChemChemPhys 2017, 19, 22785-22800.

187 A. Fizia, M. Gaffga, J. Lang, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, W. R. Thiel, „Cyclo­palladation in the Periphery of a HNC Ligand as the Crucial Step in the Synthesis of Highly Active Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Catalysts”, Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 14563-14575.

188. C. Braun, W. R. Thiel, M. Nieger, S. Bräse, “[2.2]Paracyclophanes with N-Hetero­cycles as Ligands for Mono- and Dinuclear Ruthenium(II) Complexes”, Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15474-15483.

189. F. Schön, M. Leist, A. Neuba J. Lang, C. Braun, Y. Sun, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, S. Bräse, W. R. Thiel, “A direct access to heterobimetallic complexes by roll-over cyclometallation”, Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 12016-12019.

190.  M. Leist, C. Kerner, L. Taghizadeh Ghoochany, S. Farsadpour, A. Fizia, J. P. Neu, F. Schön, Y. Sun, B. Oelkers, J. Lang, F. Menges, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, K. S. M. Salih, W. R. Thiel, “Roll-over cyclometalation: A versatile tool to enhance the catalytic activity of transition metal complexes”, J. Organometal. Chem. 2018, 863, 30-43.





1. A. Bohle, A. Schubert, Y. Sun, W. R. Thiel (TU Chemnitz), "Verfahren zur Herstellung von 2-Methyl-1,4-naphthochinon", DE102004030793.

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